Did you know The Pill could have side effects? Shock! One researcher is saying that The Pill could make women jealous.Daily Mail reports: A study claims sex hormones in the contraceptive Pill bring out the green-eyed monster, making a woman… Continue Reading →
Abortion and contraceptive giant Planned Parenthood is suing the state of Montana to force them to provide “The Pill” to children free of charge. Did you get that? FOR CHILDREN. Planned Parenthood’s affidavit, according to KRTV reads: The State of… Continue Reading →
This is just awesome because of how bad it is. I mean really laughably bad. Ed Wood would walk out on this. This makes me really really want to vote next Tuesday. Big Hollywood writes: They trot out a rich,… Continue Reading →
This was just too cute not to share. Shamelessly stolen from Jill Stanek.
Some scientists claim to have discovered the “liberal gene.” Of course you and I know that this is one of the stupidest thing you’ll ever read but if we were to take them at their word the first thing I… Continue Reading →
Ht Les Femmes
The Baltimore city health department fined a business called Healthy Choice John’s Barbecue, for violating the ban on trans fats. The city passed a law making it illegal to sell foods they deem to be high in trans fats because… Continue Reading →
I was going to put this on our links page (The Reader) but it’s just too priceless. Too perfect. It says it all. Katie Couric’s producer says the reason nobody watches her is because she’s stuck behind a desk but… Continue Reading →
Promised land? What promised land? Chosen people? Not anymore. So sayeth the Synod of Middle Eastern Bishops. In the closing statement of the Synod on the Middle East, the Bishops issued a statement. That statement said (among other things)… n… Continue Reading →
Future Speaker Boehner (whose skin tone, according to some paleo-socio-archaeologists, is probably very similar to that of a very famous first century semite) say that he prays all day- every day. What fer? Conservative victory? That’s what fer. “I’ve been… Continue Reading →
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