The Baltimore city health department fined a business called Healthy Choice John’s Barbecue, for violating the ban on trans fats. The city passed a law making it illegal to sell foods they deem to be high in trans fats because they raise bad cholesterol and lead to heart disease and other problems. In short, they kill people.
“Trans fats are bad for your health,” said Juan Gutierrez, a health department official reportedly said.
But I don’t think liberals really believe that trans fats are dangerous because if they truly thought it was dangerous they would be willing to punish the people who purchase and eat the fatty foods not just the organizations that provide the trans fats to people.
If they truly believed transfats are sooo dangerous wouldn’t they punish the people as a way to save them. The fact that they don’t leads me to believe they don’t really believe that transfats are killing people.
In fact, if they truly believed this wouldn’t they just make it illegal to be fat. If they truly believed transfats were dangerous why not just create a “fat patrol” that goes around and if they spot a fat person they lasso them, round them up and fine them until they become skinny. (Hey it’s not like the fat people can run away and if they do they’ll lose weight from running so it’s a win-win.)
I make this argument to prove a point of course because this is much like the argument they use that pro-lifers don’t truly believe abortion is killing because pro-lifers only want to legally punish the abortionist and not the mothers who procure abortions. They often say our unwillingness to punish women is evidence pro-lifers don’t truly believe that abortion is killing.
I know they can have it both ways in their heads because they’re liberals but it doesn’t mean I shouldn’t point it out.
October 27, 2010 at 7:54 pm
Not just both wqyas, but ALL ways.
Did I mention relativism?
October 27, 2010 at 7:56 pm
Tttoo much coffee-make that "ways" with no "q" – unless you want the q, and then of course, you should have it. Regardless of the way the word is truly spelled..
October 27, 2010 at 9:15 pm
They often say our unwillingness to punish women is evidence pro-lifers don't truly believe that abortion is killing.
Exactly. I'll leave it to the legal experts, but I imagine there are plenty of other laws in which there is a hierarchy of culpability in a manner of speaking. When abortionists bring up this, "What is your comprehensive legal formula for recriminalizing abortion?" understand that they are not making an argument. What they are trying to do is paint pro-lifers as misogynists who want to inflict cruel punishments on women, (They really need to put down the bong and copy of A Handmaid's Tale and back away) and pretend that criminalizing abortion is so much more uniquely problematic than any other law ever made that we shouldn't try. More of their "Against the power of Mordor, there can be no victory." talk.
October 27, 2010 at 9:33 pm
Re: "They often say our unwillingness to punish women is evidence pro-lifers don't truly believe that abortion is killing."
The legal system is not perfect. But it's imperfection does not invalidate the immorality of abortion. And besides, the mother has already inflicted upon herself enough punishment as shown by the physical and emotional scars from the abortion.
October 27, 2010 at 11:36 pm
The Baltimore City Council enacted a law (contested by the Archbishop of Baltimore) requiring "Pro-Life" pregnancy centers to post a sign indicating that the establishment "did not provide abortion services." In other words, those who were offering an alternative to abortion had to "tell/notify" clients that the establishment did not have "reproductive services" (I believe this is the coded language the abortionists use) on the premises nor use them. The head of the City Council later became Mayor when the then Mayor at that time had to step down. This can all be found by Google.
October 28, 2010 at 1:46 am
LIFE IS LIFE from the first moment of two becoming one and God instills the human soul. Human Life Is what it is. Pregnancy means literally pre-life and denies the reality of life being present for the first cell, the first cell who grows and grows into a human being. A woman is not pregnant. A woman is pre -birthing, that is giving citizenship to another human being. Giving liberty to a child after confinement. Giving freedom to another person. Bringing another child into the world from one cell to a natural death. To change the culture a language must be given it to convey what reality is. Human Life Center for each and every place of support.
October 28, 2010 at 1:56 am
The ovens of Auschwitz , the freezers of Roe v. Wade.
How many priests and consecrated men and women were found frozen to death in the Women’s Health center freezer on High Street in Elkton, Md. In newspaper accounts the number is thirty five reports How many saints’ souls were sent to heaven before their mission on earth was fulfilled? What part of our sovereignty will not be constituted by their sovereign personhood because the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade did not address the issue of personhood of the unborn, did not address their ignorance so that the child in the womb might be given the benefit of a doubt. The Hatred engendered by the administration that we cannot afford these people, Pelosi, even while admitting that they are people, amounts to ethnic cleansing of the newly conceived, morally and legally innocent the standard for Justice and the foundation of sovereignty whose sovereignty constitutes our sovereign nation, whose very lives, consent and are held in trust by their parents and the state but not their very BEING, Created by our Creator and endowed with life, liberty and other unalienable rights. These tiny human BEINGS returned to their Father in heaven and look down upon us in great and grievous sadness, so much so, that the bronze doors of the heaven have not been opened for the rains, an expression of God’s blessing, rains down upon the earth to make the crops grow, to make the flowers grow to cleanse the earth and feed the birds. Economic prosperity eludes us, peace evades us, only malediction and chaos pursues us. Life is short let us live it as brothers and sisters, not as cannibals. Their tiny, some not so tiny, bodies of these sovereign persons must be buried, commended to the earth. Was their mother offered an ultrasound before the procedure as informed consent? Was their mother told about the Pregnancy Center on Bridge Street, in Elkton where compassionate people would provide for her and her baby? Abortion providers are trying to silence Pregnancy Centers throughout the state of Maryland and have refused to allow informed consent through ultrasound. If this is healthcare why wasn’t the patient given a real choice?
October 28, 2010 at 9:42 pm
Isn't this an invasion of the sacred right to privacy? "It's my body, I'll do what I want to." You can't choose to eat transfats, but you can choose to kill your unborn child.
People are smart enough to be able to choose for themselves when to have an abortion (as long as as little info as possible is given them beforehand), but not whether or not to eat BBQ. What a world…