Uh oh. There is a horror movie coming out called Case #39. This story, Proposition #39, is much much much scarier. Proposition 39 coming out of the Special Assembly for the Middle East of the Synod of Bishops. Propositio 39Liturgy… Continue Reading →
This story is being promoted from the Creative Minority Reader. Friend O’CMR Marcel at Aggie Catholics had this the other day. Matthew’s kids have been singing it ever since. Truth is, so have I. Reason #MMXVII why the Interwebs was… Continue Reading →
Last week I said that weddings being held at McDonalds was a perfect metaphor for our time. Well, this is a more perfecter metaphor for our time. Reuters: Chen Wei-yih has posed for a set of photos in a flowing… Continue Reading →
Wesley Smith freaks me out again. Just in time for the weekend. At least once a week he completely ruins my day with some “advancement” in the name of science or a study. I was thinking about pulling some quotes… Continue Reading →
Having babies makes mothers brains grow, according to a new study. That must be why those Catholic women with all those kids seem so smart, huh? I don’t think this has worked on my wife but hey, it’s science. (I… Continue Reading →
Harry Reid is unbelievable. Normally people this delusional are hanging out near the Slurpee machine asking for spare change but this guy’s the Majority Leader of the Senate. So untethered to reality is Reid that he actually said, “but for… Continue Reading →
It’s funny ’cause it’s true. Bestselling author Andrew Klavan takes on the mainstream media which is on the far left. You’ll see.
This is darn funny: HT Right Wing News
I must be in a silly mood but doesn’t it look like these two murderous tyrants are in some weird musical and about to break into song. What songs might they sing I wonder? Maybe “Stuck in the middle with… Continue Reading →
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