We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2010

Church Blackmails Pols With Excommunication

We’re told all the time by politicians how irrelevant the Church is to people’s lives but then why do those same politicians attack the Church all the time. A Polish government minister has accused the Church of using excommunication as… Continue Reading →

Life Is Not a Slippery Slope

I heard two women arguing yesterday. One was pro-life and the other was pro-choice. I could see that the pro-life woman was truly distressed to learn her friend/acquaintance was pro-choice but the argument she gave disturbed me. The conversation started… Continue Reading →

Who Is Mark Shea Talking About?

After several posts by Mark Shea on the subject of “conservatism”, I must admit I don’t like those conservative Catholics very much. Anyway, at least how Mark Shea describes them. Fortunately, I haven’t met very many who fit Mark’s description…. Continue Reading →

NBC Today Asks If Monogamy is Passe

Follow the logic used by NBC Today’s show here. They posit that because of a spate of recent celebrity breakups and some shows highlighting polygamy maybe monogamy is done for. Yeah, because we all take our life cues from David… Continue Reading →

Gay Parents More Likely To Have Gay Kids

A Kansas State University researcher is publishing a study that shows that gay parents are more likely to raise gay children. Duh, right? I know, but the last researcher to state this in a study was promptly called a “Nazi”… Continue Reading →

MultiKulti Cancelled — National Socialism — Not

There is a fair amount of hooha over German Chancellor’s obvious, but typically private, observation that multiculturalism has failed. We are a country which at the beginning of the 1960s actually brought guest workers to Germany and now they live… Continue Reading →

Mother Teresa Zings Hillary Clinton?

Abby Johnson, formerly of Planned Parenthood and now an ardent pro-lifer, tells a crowd of pro-lifers what she believes Mother Teresa said to Hillary Clinton over lunch years ago. It’s a heck of a zinger if it’s true. Check out… Continue Reading →

Now This Is An Attack Ad!

You think American politicians play hardball? Check out this attack video from Canada with the single greatest closing line evah!!! ht Hotair

Earthquake in Anglo-Catholicism

This is big news. Damian Thompson reports: Bishop John Broadhurst, Bishop of Fulham in the Anglican diocese of London, is to resign his post later this year to join the Pope’s Ordinariate. The Catholic Herald’s Anna Arco broke the story,… Continue Reading →

This Freaked Me Out

They told the kid that the lion just wanted to give a witty bitty kiss but I think we can assume the lion’s intentions were much much worse than that. This kind of freaked me out. EMBED-Zoo Lion Vs Little… Continue Reading →

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