Catholic Answers Apologist Jimmy Akin answers this “burning” question. Get it? Burning question. ‘Cause the question is about hell so I said “burning?” But Akin’s answer does point out that excommunication while often perceived as a harsh penalty is meant… Continue Reading →
Yup. Sharon Begley of Newsweek rips Christine O’Donnell for her stance against masturbation. She says the prohibition against masturbation is like…sooooo unscientific. (Not real science, the kind of science they make up to fit their agenda.) Tim Graham of Newsbusters… Continue Reading →
This is pretty awful if it is what it seems to be. The video says it’s part of a freshman orientation performance for students of Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota, a Lutheran college. Honestly, it looks like the inmates have… Continue Reading →
When the Republican Party held their first convention in 1856 the delegates adopted a platform stating “It is the duty of Congress to prohibit in the territories those twin relics of barbarism, polygamy and slavery.” What I find most amazing… Continue Reading →
The Sachem of a tribe of native Americans likes being the head Indian. Other men in the tribe are concerned. They have been through a long drought and supplies are low. The Sachem should have been directing them to store… Continue Reading →
My brother and co-blogger Patrick has been out deer hunting a few times this season and he’s caught…NOTHING. Nada. But I’m not here to rub it in ’cause that’s not how I roll. But I’m sure that when he does… Continue Reading →
This is a tale of two movie reviews. One sane. The other…well not so much. After reading snippets of both you’ll hardly believe they’re talking about the same movie. Steven Greydanus writes in the National Catholic Register that Secretariat is:… Continue Reading →
We here at CMR have noticed that eugenics never really went away. Hitler gave it a bad name so they simply started calling it family planning, overpopulation, and environmentalism. But it’s still just plain ol’ eugenics. Zombie from Pajamas Media… Continue Reading →
A Local Fox affiliate in Michigan covered a new pro-life billboard. The billboard in Marinette, Michigan shows a worried pregnant teen with a though bubble saying “My mom is going to kill me!” But it also shows the though bubble… Continue Reading →
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