We Laugh Because We Believe

Day January 19, 2011

Horror: Abortionist Charged With 8 Counts of Murder

This is maybe the most awful thing I’ve ever read. I’m sorry to even report something like this. Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey writes: This may be as ghastly a story outside of the Tucson massacre as we’ll see all year… Continue Reading →

Head of CCHD Worked For Pro-Choice Campaign

While the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has come under well deserved scrutiny for supporting groups such as ACORN and groups with ties to promoting abortion, CMR has uncovered that Ralph McCloud, while heading the CCHD in 2008, was… Continue Reading →

Vatican Irish Abuse Coverup?

Many news outlets are reporting that there is a “smoking gun” letter from the “Vatican” that instructed them not to report abuse claims and threatened them with repercussions. At the time of this writing, a Google search shows 528 stories… Continue Reading →

Judge John Roll, Hero

We’ve reported before that Judge John Roll seemed like a good Catholic family man. Now it seems he died attempting to protect another shooting victim, according to video of the Tuscon shooting viewed by investigators. The New York Times reports:… Continue Reading →

True Grit Like You Have Never Heard It

I think the world of Fr. Barron. His review of True Grit (spoilers included) is a perfect example of what is so great about him. He sees the mystical in the mundane, intended (as in this case) or unintended. He… Continue Reading →

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