Locking children into failing schools just wasn’t enough. Now, we’re locking up mothers for trying to send their kids to better schools. This is madness. A mother has been sent to jail for lying about her residence because she was… Continue Reading →
1) Whispered by a father in the pew behind me to his children: “When we get to the car I’m testing all of you on what the gospel was. And if you get it wrong you’re dead.” 2) Whispered by… Continue Reading →
So sayeth the Pope. At a January 25 Vespers service closing the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Pope Benedict XVI said that ecumenical work is a “moral imperative” for all Christians. The Holy Father reminded the congregation at the… Continue Reading →
A loony judge in the UK has freed a convicted drug dealer from prison because it conflicts with his scheduled sex change operation. Oh wait, his taxpayer funded sex change operation. I Hate the Media reports: A transsexual drug dealer… Continue Reading →
Sometimes life is exactly like sitcoms. I love this story for so many reasons. First, you got the overreacting car dealer owner who acts irrationally and fires a salesman for wearing a Green Bay Packers tie. He had to have… Continue Reading →
Chris Christie, the first pro-life Governor of New Jersey. That’s a pretty awesome moniker for a guy who used to be publicly pro-choice. But in many ways Christie in power has been very conservative. His very public battle with the… Continue Reading →
I have zero intention of watching tonight’s State of the Union speech by President Obama. To give you an indication of how much I intend to NOT watch the speech here’s a list of things I’d rather do than watch… Continue Reading →
I find myself in a strange situation. One of my favorite shows on television is a show I gave up on halfway through the first season. Fringe. I gave up on the show halfway through the first season because I… Continue Reading →
Great find from Kathryn Lopez at The Corner. For all the great work done in the Catholic blogosphere sometimes I wonder if Kathryn Lopez might be the best Ctholic blogger out there. Anyway, here’s a touching story from American Idol… Continue Reading →
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