We Laugh Because We Believe

Month January 2011

Let’s Put Ralphie on Trial Too

Al Sharpton is calling for FCC hearings for Rush Limbaugh because he imitated a Chinese voice in a comical fashion. I’m thinking that if Rush should be on trial shouldn’t we also drag the surviving cast of “A Christmas Story”… Continue Reading →

Santorum’s Not a Racist Homophobic Bigot

Rick Santorum is back in the news. This time, the news media is wondering if he’s racist. You might confuse this with the times they accused him of being a homophobe but it’s completely different. Hey, I guess he should… Continue Reading →

Duh! Of The Day

CNN Health reports on a startling finding. Promiscuity decreases your chances of finding a good husband. They looked at the results from a number of national studies including the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health and the National Study of… Continue Reading →

Lack of Gov’t Oversight Led to Abortion Horrors

A grand jury in Pennsylvania is saying that the state failed to perform its job of oversight over abortion clinics. The Blaze reports: A filthy abortion mill where prosecutors say babies were delivered alive and killed with scissors would have… Continue Reading →

Monk Nabbed With Nun’s Remains

Weirdest story of the day. Maybe even of the week. A monk was trying to board a flight when baggage checkers opened up his bags and found… Reuters reports: A Cypriot monk caught at a Greek airport with the skeletal… Continue Reading →

Incendiary Stupidity or Killing Incivility

The following has been redacted for your own safety. The other day I was killing time at Target. I overheard two guys shooting the breeze about the new civility. You know, the words and phrases we are no longer allowed… Continue Reading →

Obama Praises China’s Human Rights

President Obama today praised the “evolution” in human rights in China. Just minutes later, a blogger in Philadelphia pulled his hair out and banged his head on his keyboard until passing out. Now that I woke up with a headache… Continue Reading →

Horror: Abortionist Charged With 8 Counts of Murder

This is maybe the most awful thing I’ve ever read. I’m sorry to even report something like this. Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey writes: This may be as ghastly a story outside of the Tucson massacre as we’ll see all year… Continue Reading →

Head of CCHD Worked For Pro-Choice Campaign

While the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has come under well deserved scrutiny for supporting groups such as ACORN and groups with ties to promoting abortion, CMR has uncovered that Ralph McCloud, while heading the CCHD in 2008, was… Continue Reading →

Vatican Irish Abuse Coverup?

Many news outlets are reporting that there is a “smoking gun” letter from the “Vatican” that instructed them not to report abuse claims and threatened them with repercussions. At the time of this writing, a Google search shows 528 stories… Continue Reading →

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