We Laugh Because We Believe

Month March 2011

Caviezel in new JJ Abrams Pilot for CBS

Here’s a reason to many of you to set your DVR’s.The Wrap reports: James Caviezel, known for his title role in the Mel Gibson epic “The Passion of the Christ,” has come aboard the upcoming CBS pilot “Person of Interest,”… Continue Reading →

Man Saves Abandoned Baby in Snow Bank

A horror. Love. And maybe a miracle thrown in. That looks like what happened in Minneapolis when a mother threw a newborn baby into a snow bank leaving her to die until a stranger stepped in. This kind of action… Continue Reading →

Charlie Sheen–This Isn’t Funny Anymore

I must admit, and I am a little ashamed of it now, that I had a few chuckles at Charlie Sheen’s expense a little while ago when some of his rants were published. Vatican Assassins, F-18 and such. I am… Continue Reading →

Christianity Made the West

Kevin Knight of New Advent must surf the web 23 1/2 hours a day because he finds these articles that I just never saw and I spend a good 22 1/2 hours on the interwebs every day. This piece from… Continue Reading →

Look Who’s A Jew!! Qaddafi That’s Who!!

I guess Adam Sandler will have to update his awesome Hanukkah song with none other than Moammar Qaddafi. Too awesome to even check! ht Gateway Pundit

Haggling Over the Cost of Humanity

You remember how pro-lifers were laughed at for saying abortion and infanticide were one in the same. Pro-aborts said we were crazy and that killing “blobs of tissue” in the womb had nothing to do with killing babies outside the… Continue Reading →

The Armchair Pro-Life

It should not surprise that I hold in low esteem a particular breed of man who, while claiming the name Catholic, supports openly and actively that wretched party of death. They fret over a folly, which they basely baptize as… Continue Reading →

The Kimyal Receive the New Testament

The first time we do anything is always the most exciting. But watching the reaction of these folks to receiving the Bible translated into their own language kinda’ shames me a bit because there my Bible sits on the shelf…. Continue Reading →

Obama To Veto If Planned Parenthood Defunded

This is what it comes down to. The great pro-life battle of our generation. De-funding Planned Parenthood. And the President is taking sides with evil. [Life News] President Barack Obama would veto the House-approved long-term spending bill for the federal… Continue Reading →

12 Reasons It’s Harder to be a Dad than a Mom

There are thousands and thousands of Mommy blogs out there detailing the trials and difficulties of being a Mom. There aren’t a whole lot of Daddy sites out there. Or maybe there are, it’s just called ESPN. But regardless, I’m… Continue Reading →

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