There are thousands and thousands of Mommy blogs out there detailing the trials and difficulties of being a Mom. There aren’t a whole lot of Daddy sites out there. Or maybe there are, it’s just called ESPN. But regardless, I’m here to explain to you the many reasons it might just be harder to be a Dad than it is being a Mom.
1) When we gain weight we can’t blame the pregnancies.
2) When one of your daughters gets in a fight at school and your other daughter yells, “Sweep the leg Johnny” everyone blames you.
3) Our fingers aren’t made for little buttons. They’re just not. If buttons needed hammering we’d be the ones to call. Finessing buttons? Not so much.
4) Dads can’t guilt our children by saying, “We carried you for nine months.”
5) “Wait until your Mommy gets home” just doesn’t sound as scary. It just doesn’t.
March 5, 2011 at 7:56 pm
Since I have no way to contact you that is easily discernable, why don't you do a post on this?
It DOES dovetail with the "idea" of this post since women seem to be destroying marriages at a far greater rate than men, so Dad DOES have it harder, indeed. Alot!
March 6, 2011 at 2:30 am,r:1,s:0
March 6, 2011 at 3:12 am
'The Family Terrorist'
Women that hold their families hostage.
Also, Courts are very afraid of the woman that has sued because she claims the Court lacks jurisdiction in her marriage. The suit is slowly working its way through the Courts to the Supreme Court.
The Courts are divorcing couples and inserting the language 'This was not a covenant Marriage'.
It is a rallying point for those that marry in the Church for life against those that decide to scratch their itch elsewhere; children and spouse be damned.
Men are Priests, Prophets, and Apostles in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
March 6, 2011 at 6:37 am
Every marriage in the Catholic Church IS presumed to be a covenant marriage. It is just that the Catholic Church teaches one thing and practices another.
Then, most Catholics like their little "liasons" on the side and will wring their hands about broken marriages but defend their "rights" to divorce. This is not at all unlike what catholic politicians practice regarding abortion….still the hierarchy does not "see" this and they have the unmitigated gall to oppose abortion and "gasp" to have excommunication on the books, for it……guess marriage really is a second class issue in the Catholic Church….then shut up, you idiot Catholics and stop opposing gay marriage!
We get, exactly, the caliber of priests, bishops and Catholic Church(laity) we deserve…..lousy.