Hell is just so uncool. So a Rabbi, an Atheist, and a liberal theologian walk in to a discussion on hell… No, this is not the beginning of a really bad joke. Umm. Actually. It is the beginning of a… Continue Reading →
The Rev. Gerald Sheehan, Regional Priest Servant of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) has issued a statement on the Fr. Corapi situation. This was obtained for me by the Register and so I ask… Continue Reading →
Oh if only abortion were completely legal this never would’ve happened. Oh wait…. LifeNews.com reports: A Planned Parenthood in Everett, Washington sent a woman to the hospital late Friday following a botched abortion and the head of the local abortion… Continue Reading →
Father Corapi, the dynamic and well known evangelist, broke the news on his own website this weekend that he has been placed on ‘administrative leave’ following wide ranging accusations of misconduct by a former employee. Fr. Corapi is adamant that… Continue Reading →
Bishop Daniel Thomas visited our parish today and concelebrated Mass. You could tell people were on their best behavior. They even sang. I mean, we weren’t like Baptists or anything but you could hear us sing which is pretty odd… Continue Reading →
CMR loves Father Corapi. Anytime I catch him speaking on EWTN I stop and listen and am always impressed and moved. That’s why when I did my morning web surfing and came upon a headline at New Advent saying Accused:… Continue Reading →
This is pretty cool. HT The Blaze
It is somehow fitting for the oxymoronic age in which we live that we call the uniform distribution of mediocrity, progress. Anyone who has ever had the good fortune to watch Ken Burns’ documentary on the Civil War cannot help… Continue Reading →
Beware foreign entanglements. As you know, the UN (supported by the US) has voted to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya. Isn’t getting militarily involved in a civil war the very definition of foreign entanglements? Let’s be clear here, this… Continue Reading →
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