We Laugh Because We Believe

Month July 2011

Jesus on Wal Mart Receipt?

A couple believes that Jesus appeared on their Wal-Mart receipt. Hey, I know there’s a lot of saving at Wal-Mart but I didn’t know they meant this. Thank you. I’ll be here all week. The Daily Mail reports: A South… Continue Reading →

Hate Wasteful Spending? Don’t Read This

Government efficiency at its best. Two US Navy ships are both headed for the scrap heap, having never sailed. Business Insider reports: …The USNS Bejamin Isherwood and the USNS Henry Eckford were commissioned in 1985 at the Pennsylvania Shipbuilding Co…. Continue Reading →

Image of Our Lady Made of Butterfly Wings

This was just too odd and wonderful not to pass on from George Matysek’s site. An image of Our Lady made entirely of butterfly wings. Don’t worry, supposedly no butterflies were hurt in the making of this art. Read the… Continue Reading →

Fox Paid $4.8 Billion in Taxes, MSNBC $0

This story at the Daily Mail is actually worse than the headline even indicates. Fox paid $4.8 billion in taxes, MSNBC $0 OK, the headline is misleading. The parent company of Fox News — News Corp. — paid the U.S…. Continue Reading →

Ireland: Priests Must Break Seal Of Confession

Here in the US, governmental antipathy toward religion and particular the Catholic Church is a growing threat. Catholic organizations are already being prevented from providing adoption services and you can bet your favorite pair of skinny jeans that gay marriage… Continue Reading →

UN: We Need Less People Fast!!

Only the United Nations could have such perverse logic. Upon seeing poor people and illiterate people, the UN doesn’t think to try to wipe out poverty or illiteracy. They think that if they just get rid of people, there won’t… Continue Reading →

Funny Church Sign

Totally stole this from Ironic Catholic. But go there to check out “The Ultimate Bad Christian Jokes.” Just click on over and scroll down. There’s four of them and they’re kinda’ funny.

Sally Quinn: Rick Perry’s Anti-Catholic “Pastor Problem”

This is just hilarious. Sally Quinn of the “On Faith” blog, who called Pope Benedict a criminal and compared him to Nixon, is wondering whether Governor Rick Perry has an anti-Catholic “pastor problem.” Gotta’ love it. Rick Perry’s pastor problem?… Continue Reading →

From Satanist to Saint?

This is a pretty awesome story from the UK Catholic Herald. Check it out: Pompeii has more to offer than dusty ruins filled with plaster casts of people, and one unfortunate puppy, frozen in time. It is also, coincidentally, home… Continue Reading →

Union Goons to Protest Funerals?!

This is sick. Taking a page out of that lunatic Fred Phelps’ playbook, the Teamsters Union, because of a dispute with a funeral home, is now threatening to protest funerals. Now, please recall all the media outrage over Phelps’ protesting… Continue Reading →

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