We Laugh Because We Believe

Day September 6, 2011

Notre Dame Coach Responds To Matt’s Criticism

Well, well, well. It seems that Matthew has rattled some cages with his thoughtful commentary on Notre Dame Football Coach Brian Kelly’s sideline behavior. There has been quite a few articles written in the media about Kelly’s behavior and Matthew’s… Continue Reading →

Doonesbury Demeans Sarah Palin

The idiot who writes the comic “Doonesbury” had this to say about Sarah Palin. Liberals are completely obsessed with Sarah Palin’s body and constantly demean her. What a complete jerk.

Whitewashing The Slaughter of Christians

In recent days it’s come to light that many black people are living in fear in Libya. Black immigrants who came to Libya as workers are suspected of being loyalists to Qaddafi. They are subjected to arrest or worse. The… Continue Reading →

Going Postal

The phrase “going postal” may soon lose its bang in favor of a whimper, if we are lucky. The unsurprising news of this Labor Day weekend is the news that the U.S. Postal Service is close to defaulting and without… Continue Reading →

Union Thug Declares War on GOP, Obama Thanks Him

So here’s union thug Jimmy Hoffa declaring war on Republicans and threatening to “take these sons of b#tches out.” And now here’s President Barack “New Civility” Obama taking the stage shortly after. Obama not only ignores what Hoffa outrageously said… Continue Reading →

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