We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2011

I Did A 180

The last couple of days, I have been hearing some buzz over a “pro-life” Youtube movie called “180.” I clicked on it the other day but saw at the bottom that it was 33 minutes long, so I closed the… Continue Reading →

Awesome! The Rosary in the Sky

Kicking off 40 Days for Life, one group had children release “a HUGE helium balloon rosary from the center divider on Sepulveda Blvd. in front of abortion provider Family Planning Associates in Mission Hills. The rosary ascended gently and hovered… Continue Reading →

He’s Full Of Mitt

The problem with Mitt Romney is that he is full of Mitt. Jon Stewart illustrates this pretty well in this clip. “To win the nomination, Mitt Romney needs to convince Republicans he’s not Mitt Romney.” Exactly.

Playboy Club Canceled

Smut Doesn’t Always Sell. After three low rated episodes, “The Playboy Club” has officially been canceled by NBC, which also makes it the first show of the fall 2011 season to get pulled off the air. The cancelation means that… Continue Reading →

Bishops: Abortion Should Guide Election

Not one issue among many. Not one issue among many. Not one issue among many. Not one issue among many. Not one issue among many. WHAT’S SO DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND?! LifeNews.com reports: The nation’s Catholic bishops have released an updated… Continue Reading →

A Priest Lost In Translation

What could possibly make a priest so angry? I went to a wedding in New Jersey last week and I ended up sitting at the same table as the priest who presided at the wedding. I could tell from some… Continue Reading →

Ruh-Roh! Holder May Be Doomed

This Fast and Furious stuff is bad all around. But things may have just gotten real bad for the Attorney General. You have probably heard about the WH data dump that seems to indicate that Holder knew about Fast and… Continue Reading →

Oh No! The Ice Cream KKK is Coming!

Worst advertisement for ice cream…evah! HT Ann Coulter (who tweeted that this must be where Rick Perry gets his ice cream.)

School Bans Rosaries

A California school has banned a girl from wearing a rosary because local gangs are using it as a symbol. KETV reports: A sixth-grade girl said she was told that she can’t wear a necklace that resembles a rosary because… Continue Reading →

When Republicans Attack…Republicans

This drives me crazy. The media trumps up a crazy flimsy story against Rick Perry that states that there is a sign on hunting grounds Perry used which contains a racial epithet. And instead of other Republicans denouncing this desperate… Continue Reading →

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