We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2011

NY To Cut Costs By Covering Transgender Surgery?

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo appointed a task force to “overhaul the Medicaid system” because it’s going broke. So what recommendations did the cost-cutting brain trust come up with? In a report they’ve recommended forcing taxpayers to pay for transgender… Continue Reading →

Pic O’ The Day

I found this incredible photo at Thomas Peter’s place of a priest trying to stop a Greek rioter from hurling a molotov cocktail at police. Christianity on the line.

You Watching Jim Caviezel’s New Show?

Jim Caviezel’s new show from producers JJ Abrams and Jonathan Nolan got off to a good start. One awesome thing I meant to share earlier was that I was watching EWTN’s “The World Over” last Thursday and at the end… Continue Reading →

PETA’s Most Despicable Ad…in Weeks

The PETA people are crazy. And not even nice crazy but nasty crazy. That’s been well documented. Their recent despicable ad shows a graphic image of a shark attack and essentially calls it “payback.” What a bunch of jerks. To… Continue Reading →

Hilarious Vid. Lip-Synching Perry

This one had me laughing out loud. Shamelessly stolen from Hot Air.

Black People Must Hate Black People

Black people must hate black people. How else to interpret this little factoid? “According to a Washington Post/ABC News survey, his favorability rating among African-Americans has dropped off a cliff, plunging from 83 percent five months ago to a mere… Continue Reading →

Dude. How Does a “Sex Conference” Bomb?

OK. How did Fordham University’s conference on sexual diversity fail. It had all the makings of a hit. Seriously, how does a sex conference fail? Just say the word “sex” and people pay attention. And throw in the bonus of… Continue Reading →

The Myth of the Personally Pro-Life Catholic

I was wondering something tonight in light of the news that Congress will be investigating Planned Parenthood. Are there really Catholics who are personally pro-life and publicly pro-choice? Is that an honest opinion? The answer, if you can call it… Continue Reading →

Congress to Investigate Planned Parenthood

This is the best news I’ve had all day. LifeNews.com reports: A Congressional committee has taken the first steps in investigating the Planned Parenthood abortion business over abuses ranging from financial disparities to its compliance with federal regulations on taxpayer… Continue Reading →

Evicted and Killed for Carbon Credits

We often hear about how the Pope has caused millions to die of AIDS because of the Church’s stance on condoms. Never mind that the United Nations keeps lying to people by telling them that condoms will protect them or… Continue Reading →

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