We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2011

If You Buy This, You’re Banned from This Blog

My four year old watched this commercial and pointed to it and said, “Dad! That’s inappropriate. Kids shouldn’t put that on their Christmas list…but can I?” What is wrong with the world that this could possibly be selling? If you… Continue Reading →

Gov. Quinn vs. The Bishops

Things were a little weird when Governor Pat Quinn, a Catholic, decided to present a pro-choice award for a pro-abortion rights PAC. The bishops responded strongly by saying, “This approach is irreconcilable with any honest profession of the Catholic faith…. Continue Reading →


The fact that the GOP nomination process has come down to Newt and Mitt is hard enough to take. But this is all I can takes and I can’t takes no more. Especially not this… America’s first black female secretary… Continue Reading →

Crisis Pregnancy Centers and the HHS Mandate

Under the HHS rule requiring all insurers to cover birth control including abortifacients, any religious exemption that does eventually get included (if any) will almost certainly not allow crisis pregnancy centers to claim that exemption. So think about this –… Continue Reading →

Underground Morality of Christians

In China there’s the state approved Church and the underground Church. We look at that with our Western eyes and we wonder how such a thing could be. But here in America, it seems to me we’ve just got our… Continue Reading →

Still Praying For Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens now knows the truth of it. Christopher Hitchens the smart, acerbic, funny, mean, insightful, and thick commenter on all things has passed away at the age of 62. Hitchens may have been most famous for his outspoken atheism…. Continue Reading →

Traditional Marriage Supporter Blacklisted from Teaching at College

A GOP supporter of traditional marriage has been refused by a Minnesota college from teaching a college course by those same academics who are always screaming about tolerance and dialogue. It’s called a blacklist.Tom Emmer ran for Governor of Minnesota… Continue Reading →

John McCain for President!!!

Senator John McCain absolutely lights up President Obama. I mean, he lights him up. McCain, referring to Obama’s withdrawal of troops in Iraq: “History Will Judge His Leadership With The Scorn And Disdain It Deserves”… Where was this John McCain… Continue Reading →

Get The Message? Laughable Media Lockstep

Look, media bias stories are boring. We all know they have an agenda already. But every once in a while it is so obvious it is laughable. We know they are biased, but do they have to be so unoriginal?… Continue Reading →

Not Newt

National Review Online has a fair, balanced, and reasonable editorial on our looming primary decision. While giving credit to Newt’s positive characteristics, it has come to the same conclusion that I have. Not Newt. I, like many other conservatives, have… Continue Reading →

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