This is just awful and so full of lies that I’m almost stunned by it. The gist of this is that little girls dreams will die unless you pay for their birth control. I always get a chill of revulsion… Continue Reading →
Yesterday, something very good happened and the University of Notre Dame was part of it. As you are no doubt aware, Notre Dame, the Archdioceses of New York and Washington and 40 other Catholic institutions joined in a lawsuit against… Continue Reading →
Ick. There’s a taxpayer-funded pilot program in California for training non-doctors to perform first-trimester vacuum aspiration surgical abortions. What? What could possibly be dangerous about that? They get two days of instructions on how to rip babies apart. The Life… Continue Reading →
TV Guide is reporting that DC Comics plans to reintroduce a character as gay. That means they’re going to take a character that wasn’t gay and make him gay. But wait, I thought it was genetic. I thought you didn’t… Continue Reading →
It’s being reported that four tons of marijuana in large bales were found bobbing off the Southern California coast, according to news reports. Investigators have no leads. But the dolphins had stopped swimming and were looking into see if Taco… Continue Reading →
We live in amazing times. I’m thinking the gloves are off. ( – The archdiocese of New York, headed by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archdiocese of Washington, D.C., headed by Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the University of Notre Dame, and 40… Continue Reading →
An article about a student at Boston College who’s intending to become a Jesuit drew my attention. I give great kudos to this young man who seems prepared to give his life to Christ. But I question the basics he’s… Continue Reading →
Some species are just too dumb to survive. Case in point, the MoDo Bird. Maureen Dowd, Catholic means never having to say you’re sorry. I ALWAYS liked that the name of my religion was also an adjective meaning all-embracing. I… Continue Reading →
Writing in USA Today, two Harvard Medical School professors urged doctors to civil disobedience over what they call “unprecedented and sweeping legal assault on women’s reproductive rights.” The piece by doctors Marcia Angell and Michael Green of Harvard suprisingly begins… Continue Reading →
They will one day write about Facebook in textbooks. However the entry will not be in the success story chapter but rather in the chapter entitled Cautionary Tales. The Facebook IPO is the textbook definition of irrational exuberance. Farhad Manjoo… Continue Reading →
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