We Laugh Because We Believe

Month May 2012

Ha! NOW Rally Epic Fail.

Compare the March for Life with this. The National Organization of Women held a rally against Rush Limbaugh and…it didn’t turn out very well. They probably mistakenly scheduled it at the same time as the blue plate dinner special at… Continue Reading →

The Pill is the New Asbestos

The Pill took the world by storm. It was rapidly embraced by millions and millions with little concern shown for indiviudal or societal consequences. Some, however, have been warning for quite some time that ther Pill has tons of unofreseen… Continue Reading →

Author of “The Exorcist” and Georgetown Alumni Preparing Canon Lawsuit

Georgetown University alumni, students and others are preparing a canon law suit to be filed with the Archdiocese of Washington and the Vatican, seeking remedies “up to and including the possible removal or suspension of top-ranked Georgetown’s right to call… Continue Reading →

Former Priests, Retired Priests Attack Church on Gay Marriage

A small group of retired priests and a much larger groups of former priests are publicly opposing the Church’s stance on gay marriage. This occurs in light of a major effort by Archbishop Nienstedt to ensure that Catholic voters vote… Continue Reading →

A Combox Atheist In The Real World

I have always presumed that comment box on Catholic sites (or any religious sites) provided a unique distance and anonymity that allows commenters to behave badly. Among the most misbehaved are atheist commenters who prowl around comboxes making vicious, insulting,… Continue Reading →

We Need To Ban Baseball!

How can Obama let this kind of thing continue to go on in America? Baseball is a dangerous game where players are either dropping like little girls from the barbarity of it all or flying off in fits of uncontrollable… Continue Reading →

Tolerance Looks Like Rainbows and Smells Like Burning Churches

A Catholic parish in Massachusetts has become the target of threats of violence, and vandalism because of a sign posted on church property supporting the traditional definition of marriage, according to The Catholic Action League of Massachusetts. The sign on… Continue Reading →

I Want to Hear the Abortion Jokes

“Newt Gingrich’s campaign is so dead, Mitt Romney wants to baptize it and Rick Santorum wants to put it in a jar and show it to his kids.” That’s the joke that Jimmy Kimmel was going to tell at The… Continue Reading →

Revolution Trailer

A new show slated for the fall has me intrigued. I love me some post-apocalyptic corn-growing. Yessir. Thoughts?

Lose weight so you can donate organs?

A study done at the Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine and Feinstein Institute for Medical Research showed that obesity is contributing to a “shortage of organs for donation.”  From Inquisitor.com In an analysis of 104 potential kidney donors, researchers… Continue Reading →

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