We Laugh Because We Believe

Month August 2012

Divorce and the Myth of Quality Time

*subhead*Being there.*subhead* I met an old friend Sunday in the parking after Mass. I was surprised to see him because he didn’t live anywhere near that parish. We spoke for a few minutes and I asked him why he was… Continue Reading →

Obligatory Bishop Cordileone Apologizes Post

What to say about this other than he is a man who did a foolish thing. I feel sorry for him yet acknowledge the error of his actions and recognize that this does not help. No this does not help… Continue Reading →

I Hate Republicans

Really, I hate Republicans. Hate. Them. James Pethokoukis at AEI writes about the gloom and negativity that pervades among establishment Republicans in Tampa. A new Washington Post-ABC News poll has Mitt Romney up by a point over Barack Obama 47%… Continue Reading →

The Cardinal, The Invite, And The Political Upside

Let me be clear, I am not a consequentialist. But the invitation to President Obama may help defeat him in November. I am on record that I disagree with the prudential decision of Cardinal Dolan to invite President Obama to… Continue Reading →

Back Alley Circumcisions?

*subhead*Back alley?*subhead* Politicians in San Francisco are attempting to get between your doctor and your baby. They want to outlaw a medical procedure that pediatricians call beneficial. The nation’s most influential pediatricians group says the health benefits of circumcision in… Continue Reading →

More on Church Architecture and Heaven

*subhead*Unless you’re a mystic, how do you see heaven?*subhead*

In Utero Test for Liberalism?

*subhead*Lib-itis.*subhead* NBC reports that researchers have determined that genetics could matter when it comes to some adults’ political leanings. Here’s the details: “According to scientists at UC San Diego and Harvard University, “ideology is affected not just by social factors,… Continue Reading →

The Future Of Liturgy, Heaven Help Us

Want to know the scariest phrase in the English language? Sure? Ok. “National Meeting of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions” Ecce, ecce the video invitation to the 2012 National Meeting of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions. How can I put this? I am sure… Continue Reading →

New Orleans, Again?

Oh no. *subhead*Not again.*subhead*

R.I.P. Neil Armstrong

(CBS News) Neil Armstrong, the Apollo 11 astronaut who became the first human being to set foot on another world, has died. He was 82. In a statement his family said Armstrong had passed away following complications resulting from cardiovascular… Continue Reading →

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