We Laugh Because We Believe

Month October 2012

Are You LGBT? The Stats.

For all the time, energy, and TV characters they take up, you woulda thought there were more of them. A Gallup Survey shows that only 3.4% of people identify as LGBT. Only 3.4% or just slightly more than the margin… Continue Reading →

CNN Beclowns Itself Over Romney “Gaffe”

The completely made up outrage of the day that’s intended to inspire actual outrage from actual women is sad. I mean like cat lady sad. Feminists and media types like Anderson Cooper (is that redundant?) are screeching that Mitt Romney’s… Continue Reading →

Celebrity Sperm Bank! Yes!

You had to know this was coming. The newest awesomeness from the 21st century is the Fame Daddy sperm bank. That’s right, you’ll get sperm from a celebrity of athlete for 15,000 pounds. Who knows how much that is in… Continue Reading →

Lawsuit Chills Pro-Life Speech

You probably remember that lawsuit against the The Susan B. Anthony List from Congressman Steve Driehaus. Oh wait, that’s FORMER congressman Driehaus. And that’s kinda’ the crux of things. After SBA List put some billboards up hitting him on his… Continue Reading →

Hilarious: Guess Who Won The Debate?

This is the saddest funniest infuriating video you will see this election season. Jimmy Kimmel decided to do some man on the street video to ask who won the debate and Obama was the clear winner among respondents. Only one… Continue Reading →

Gallup: 51% Romney – 45% Obama

The good news is that Romney is trouncing Obama right now. The bad news is that this election is about to get really nasty. In two days of polling, Mitt Romney is up at 50% or over. In politics, that’s… Continue Reading →

Don’t Play the Planned Parenthood Drinking Game During the Debates

Wonder if the media fact-checkers will get this one out there. Uhm. Something tells me there’s as much chance of that as margaritas in Hell. So let’s break it down. During the debate last night, President Obama defended Planned Parenthood…. Continue Reading →

Scoring The Debates, For Real

They are two different questions. Who do you think won the debate? Who did you like? When you ask people to score the debate they look at a lot of factors. Aggressiveness, zingers, time, body language, etc. In essence, people… Continue Reading →

Candy Crowley:Uhm Romney Kinda’ Right on Libya

So even though in front of the entire country she defended Obama she later goes on to CNN, which nobody watches, and says Yeah Romney was pretty much right. *subhead*Too late.*subhead*

LiveBlogging The 2nd Debate: This Time Its Personal

That’s right, its not a debate unless two fat guys are making inappropriate and distracting commentary during the whole thing. We put the Duh! back in Duhbate. Be here or be somewhere else. Or something… *subhead*Put Your Blurb Here.*subhead*

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