We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2012

My Mom’s Gonna’ Kill Me

Picture’s worth a thousand words so I’m not gonna’ say anything. Ht Troglopundit

Vatican Press Office Follies Part XVII

Ah, the Vatican Press office. How is it that the Church that spread the faith around the world, built great Cathedrals, and St. Peter’s cannot get a competent press office. Over the years, we have chronicled the missteps of the… Continue Reading →

Archie Comics’ Features Gay Wedding

If this isn’t a sign of the apocalypse I don’t know what is. Surprising thing, I always figured it would be Jughead that went that way. Goes to show, you never know, huh? This would be worse, I guess, if… Continue Reading →

Tebow 3:16. Coincidence?

This is probably one of the iconic pictures of Tim Tebow, who rocked the John 3:16 tape under his eyes in the BCS Championship game. Since then, he’s become associated with that Bible passage. Now get this, from Yahoo: The… Continue Reading →

Californians Shocked to Hear Prayer at CYO Game

Parents in California are reportedly shocked and appalled that a prayer is taking place before games run by the local Catholic Youth Organization! Some parents are fleeing the league with their children, horrified that their children saw or worse yet,… Continue Reading →

Obama Wants Romney

For a while now, the Obama camp has been acting like they are scared of Mitt Romney. They have been fairly obvious about it. OK, very obvious. I have suspected for some time that this is a head fake. They… Continue Reading →

A Truly Valuable Life

Syndicated columnist Cal Thomas lost his brother a few days ago. By the world’s standards, this is no big deal. You see, Marshall Steven Thomas had Down Syndrome, a condition that is almost a guaranteed in utero death sentence. But… Continue Reading →

The 3 Unwise Men and a Baby

Talk about the worst birthday gift ever. Cute baby! Here’s some myrhh for His funeral to hide the stench of the corpse! Dude. Killjoy much! I mean, who does that? And it’s not like this was some last minute shopping… Continue Reading →

Newt Rips Anti-Christian Bigotry

As you know, not a Newt fan as a candidate, but this answer is awesome.

Santorum Loses Gay, Potsmoking, College Kids

That Santorum guy better be careful or he is gonna lose the gay, pot-smoking, college Republican vote. Key finding: “Santorum came under scrutiny at a campaign stop in Concord, N.H. earlier this week when he compared gay marriage to polygamy… Continue Reading →

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