College students at Hunter College, a public college in New York City, celebrated a birthday with ice cream cake, balloons, and a horrific birthday game they called “Abortion Wars” where students put a balloon under their shirt and try to… Continue Reading →
You’ve just got to read this. A liberal woman just became the minister at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Cheyenne wrote a letter to her new state rep. Well, let’s just say that he wasn’t having any of it. Dear… Continue Reading →
An 8th grade girl was forced to change her t-shirt which had an abstinence message that was something like this: I could absolutely understand the school’s actions if they truly believed the message was inappropriate for eighth graders. But I… Continue Reading →
This is just too crazy to pass up. The problem is that this kind of craziness quickly becomes conventional wisdom. A top strategist for failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney is saying it’s not his fault. Guess who he says is… Continue Reading →
The Pope received the three Cardinals responsible for the Vatileaks report. The report, of course, has been the cause of rampant speculation in the media. In particular, the romor has been that the report contained details so shocking that the… Continue Reading →
Catholic News Agency is reporting that the Pope will issue a motu proprio change to the waiting period for the conclave. The suggestion is that the cardinal-electors and the facilities could be ready as early as March 1, although a… Continue Reading →
I’ve noticed something troubling recently at Mass. It’s parents at Mass without their children. And I’m not talking about the wee ones who cry and eat Cheerios in the pew. Actually I still see them quite a bit and am… Continue Reading →
This one had me laughing out loud. This is a pretty hilarious send up of the know-nothing sorta’ kinda’ “Catholics” who believe they should have the right to name the next Pope. It’s made by The Lutheran Satire. It’s pretty… Continue Reading →
My profound admiration for the person of Pope Benedict XVI, appreciation for his eight years as pontiff, and esteem for the Petrine ministry are real, deep, and profound. I am grateful to this Pope for so many things. I do… Continue Reading →
Pope Benedict XVI, on his last Sunday in the window, said he is not abandoning the Church. “But this doesn’t mean abandoning the church,” he said, as many in the crowd looked sad at his approaching departure. “On the contrary,… Continue Reading →
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