Archbishop Charles Chaput writes: In striking down Sec. 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in United States v. Windsor, the Court leaves intact – at least for now — state constitutional definitions of marriage as an institution… Continue Reading →
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco, chair of the U.S. bishops’ Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage, released a statement on today’s Supreme… Continue Reading →
DOMA is dead. And, technicalities aside, Prop 8. in California is dead paving the way for same-sex marriage there. While many people will try to dissect these opinions and look for legal silver linings based on the narrowness of this… Continue Reading →
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, a self professed Catholic said that laws restricting abortion stand between a woman and her priest. Yeah really. She said it. The author of the HHS mandate which forces Catholic institutions to pay for abortifacients is… Continue Reading →
In this past week we’ve seen hundreds of media stories concerning China’s policies on dogs. Here’s some headlines: Beijing police raid homes, seize family dogs Dog owners are smuggling their pets outside the city or hiding them indoors as police… Continue Reading →
The Supreme Court will announce their decision on the fate of marriage in the U.S. It’s a big day. The National Organization for Marriage is asking marriage supporters in the D.C. area to amass outside the Supreme Court: Tomorrow is… Continue Reading →
Got this one from Catholic Memes. Thought it was clever so I share because I’m all about sharing. *subhead*’Cause it’s true.*subhead*
In what can only be considered a blow to freedom, the attorney general of California may force a hospital to perform abortions. Here’s the background: Hoag hospital and St. Joseph’s hospital recently formed a partnership and recently announced that Hoag… Continue Reading →
I have to admit, I didn’t see this one coming. Rick Santorum = Movie Mogul. That’s right, former presidential candidate Rick Santorum just became the CEO of a movie company that specializes in Christian entertainment. Deadline reports: The most recent… Continue Reading →
Our parish priest high fives all the kids coming out of Mass every Sunday. It’s a nice tradition. My thirteen year old daughter received her high five coming out of Mass yesterday just as she’s done since she was old… Continue Reading →
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