As a traditionalist Catholic who has appeared on and is supportive of both Catholic Answers and Michael Voris’ radio show and who happens to be a semi-professional Catholic who works for EWTN/National Catholic Register, I cannot think of a better qualified person the weigh in on the latest Catholic blogosphere meltdown than me.
So that is exactly what I am not going to do.
Suffice it to say that I have friends on every side here and it pains me to see them talking past each other. Truly.
I think it comes down to different perspectives on what ails the Church and what do do about it. But that is a post for another day.
For now, I pray that cooler heads can prevail.
Besides, after what happened to me at mass this weekend, I am already too on edge to discuss anything sensitively.
As to what happened this weekend, it may be the subject of a future blog post as well if cooler and non-heretical heads prevail in that situation as well.
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