Hilarious. What a bunch of nutball hippie fascists. This school has gone totally Burger Meister Meister Burger on Christmas. This wacko school makes rules saying children are not allowed to reference Christmas, no red or green things that could be… Continue Reading →
Here’s a quick way to be called in for an emergency parent-teacher conference (along with a representative of the ADL). HT Twitchy *subhead*Not the Nazis.*subhead*
Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, issued a statement on that outrageous lawsuit filed by the ACLU which attempted to portray Catholic hospitals as negligent or delivering substandard care because they refuse to kill… Continue Reading →
There are many benefits and dangers to attending daily Mass. One of the cool things is that when I walk in to our parish Church at 8 a.m. I’m pretty much the youngest person there by thirty years. It’s pretty… Continue Reading →
Yesterday, President Obama quoted Pope Francis on income inequality. During a Wednesday speech on income equality, Obama remarked, “Across the developed world, inequality has increased. Some of you may have seen just last week, the pope himself spoke about this… Continue Reading →
This is a guest post from my sister Mary. Not ever living in a city or ever being pregnant I never had to deal with city violence breaking out on my kid’s playground while I was 39 1/2 weeks pregnant…. Continue Reading →
Columnist for The Independent Liz O’Donnell hearts Pope Francis. She thinks he’s really shaking up the Church, so much so that she feels the need to warn the pope that “conservative” Catholics might just kill the pope. On the economy… Continue Reading →
Wow. Looks like somebody’s desperate, huh? Senate Democrat Mark Pryor must be really feeling the heat because he went full Christian on this ad. I’m thinking he missed the part of the Bible that suggests that it might not be… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Follow the money.*subhead* I have always said that if you want accurate information about stem cell research and its possibilities, you should be reading the business section. Anything else is probably misleading, hyped or even flat out lies. In other… Continue Reading →
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