We Laugh Because We Believe

Month January 2014

The Skinny On Chris Christie

People have asked me, “How bad does this hurt Chris Christie?” My answer: It hurts him bad. Real bad. Let me explain why. I know that 2016 is still away off, but this scandal doesn’t have an expiration date because… Continue Reading →

College Prof Builds Awesome Snow Chapel

This is awesome. An economics professor at Ball State University built a snow/ice chapel in his yard. And I’ve got to tell you it looks pretty awesome. #betterthantheCrystalCathedral. HT Religion News *subhead*Put Your Blurb Here.*subhead*

Mag: Children Need Dads

The Atlantic reports on the shocking science that kids kinda actually sorta do need dads. They should be careful. While they call it science, it sounds kinda Jesusy or something. The war on women continues. What this view overlooks, however,… Continue Reading →

What’s Wrong with Shame?

The internet is abuzz with the image of a girl. Shock, right? But not that kind of picture. It’s a picture of a girl who appears to be in her early teens, holding a sign which reads: “My name is… Continue Reading →

Church of England Becomes Even Hollower, Removes “Sin” from Baptism Rite

The Church of England has removed any requirement that parents reject “sin” in baptizing their children. It’s seriously like they’re trying to become irrelevant. You’ve got to read this from Juicy Ecumenism: In the old version, the parents would be… Continue Reading →

Lou Holtz in Catholics Come Home Commercial

I love Lou Holtz. The guy called my brother when he was suffering with cancer and he met with his kids just last year. Great guy. This ad from Catholics Come Home ran during some of the college bowl games…. Continue Reading →

John Allen Leaves Nat’l Catholic Distorter

Now there’s absolutely no reason for any Catholic to ever read the National Catholic Distorter. Catholic Culture reports: John Allen, the noted journalist who has covered the Vatican for years for the National Catholic Reporter, will be leaving that weekly… Continue Reading →

Perfect. Cardinal O’Malley with Pro-Abortion Lunatics at Pro-Abortion Mayor’s Inauguration

Cardinal Sean O’Malley was reportedly at pro-abortion and pro gay-marriage Boston Mayor Martin Walsh’s inauguration to pray but there he stood with pro-abortion Governor Deval Patrick and Senator Elizabeth Warren. I’m not knocking the Cardinal. It’s just the kind of… Continue Reading →

Jesuit Booted Out of Order. Slams Them for Not Being Liberal Enough.

How do you get booted out of the Jesuits? Seriously. Do you know how wayward you have to become to get yourself bounced from the Jesuit order? It’s like when Izzy got kicked out of Guns and Roses. I remember… Continue Reading →

Now This Is Cool

Baby it is cold outside. One Mom decided to make the most of it and blow bubbles in the freezing air with her son. The pictures they capture are amazing. A sample… Check them all out here. ht Instapundit

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