We Laugh Because We Believe

Month April 2014

Have a Prayerful Good Friday

Have a prayerful Good Friday everyone. Unless you’re Michael Bloomberg who’s already been given a free pass to Heaven by spending other people’s money. But everyone else should probably pray and think about the distance that you put between yourself… Continue Reading →

Are Canonizations Infallible? Yes and No

The discussion around the infallibility of canonizations comes up from time to time, and with the approaching canonizations of Popes John Paul II and John XXIII we see it naturally being revisited. Particularly with the lives of Popes, there is… Continue Reading →

C’Mon, She Just Killed a Baby

A young woman was sentenced to life in prison for killing her newborn. Amanda Hein was found guilty of first degree murder in the death of her newborn son whom she smothered, put in a plastic bag, and then placed… Continue Reading →

Time To Consecrate Russia

“To prevent this, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart, and the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays. If My requests are heeded, Russia will be converted, and there will be peace;… Continue Reading →

Bloomberg Says He’ll March Straight Into Heaven

Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg says his salvation is assured because of his work on obesity…or something. What a tool. This from the NY Times: Mr. Bloomberg was introspective as he spoke, and seemed both restless and wistful. When he… Continue Reading →

“Heaven is for Real” Comes out Today

This is one of those movies that intrigues me. But I can’t trust the reviews. The movie comes out today. Anyone know anything, let me know. I like Greg Kinnear as an actor. The movie looks decent. *subhead*Wondering.*subhead*

Middle School Gives Kids Sex Survey Without Notifying Parents

A New Hampshire public Middle School gave students a sex survey without parental notification. The survey asked about their sexual experiences and their sexual orientation. Nice, huh? Don’t worry, they said it was just a mix up. You know, these… Continue Reading →

The Puppet Mass Returns!!

If you prefer to live in denial that puppet masses are the wild fiction of rad-trad minds, please stop reading right now. No matter how many times this happens, we must remember that there is nothing to see here. Actors… Continue Reading →

Priest Talks and Texts on Phone During Confession

Nooooooooooooooo! Julie at Connecticut Catholic Corner relays her story of the Priest talking and then texting on his cell phone while hearing her children’s confessions. My youngest went right after me and after a few moments everyone in the pews… Continue Reading →

The Least Surprising Thing to Happen Today

The Nevada GOP has stripped the pro-life and pro-traditional marriage stances from its platform. LifeNews.com reports: Amid raucous debate, Nevada Republican Party conventioneers on Saturday stripped opposition to gay marriage and abortion from the party platform and endorsed Gov. Brian… Continue Reading →

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