We Laugh Because We Believe

Month June 2014

No Dope — Pope

Pope pours cold water on the legalization craze. VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis condemned the legalization of recreational drugs as a flawed and failed experiment on Friday, lending his voice to a debate which is raging from the U.S…. Continue Reading →

Archbishop Listecki’s Shocking Letter On Common Core

If the implementation of Common Core in the schools of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is not enough to make you think twice about sending your kids to Catholic school there, Archbishop Listecki’s response letter to concerned parents might be. Please… Continue Reading →

Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman Sing Amazing Grace at Children’s Hospital

Kinda’ nice. Nicole Kidman and husband Keith Urban sing an impromptu Amazing Grace at a Children’s hospital in Australia. The good news is that a decent number of folks sang right along…at least until they got to the second verse…. Continue Reading →

Theologians Take Aim at Cardinal Dolan

A number of theologians took aim at Timothy Cardinal Dolan’s defense of free markets and his warning about the dangers of collectivism’s inherent violation of human rights. Cdl. Dolan wrote, “the answer to problems with the free market is not… Continue Reading →

God is a Four Letter Word

In so many public schools, God is being treated like a four letter word. Worse probably. I’d bet you could probably get away with dropping the F-bomb in a graduation speech more easily than you could mentioning God. Todd Starnes… Continue Reading →

Stories Like This Restore My Hope

Good and kind people. *subhead*Love.*subhead*

In the Age of Nice, Mercy is a Dead Letter

We’ve all seen those sharp spikes on buildings meant to keep birds from nesting on ledges. They’re put there because birds are messy and a nuisance. I’ve always felt a little bad for the birds seeing those but it’s perfectly… Continue Reading →

Police Arrest Man in Murder of Priest

PHOENIX — Police have confirmed that they have made an arrest in the murder of a Phoenix priest. Sgt. Steve Martos confirmed the arrest Monday morning, but did not provide any information. In a tweet, he said, police planned to… Continue Reading →

Pelosi Orders Archbishop to Pull Out of Marriage Conference

This is unbelievable. Except not… Not only does Nancy Pelosi flout the teachings of the Catholic Church, she’s actually essentially publicly admonishing Archbishop Cordileone to pull out of a pro-marriage conference because there’s people there who are pro-marriage. The SF… Continue Reading →

How To Maneuver a Government Checkpoint

Heh. *subhead*You are free to go!*subhead*

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