Former Catholic priest and liberation theologian Mike Rivage-Seul, who directed Berea College’s Peace and Social Justice Studies Program until his retirement, wrote a poem of sorts about his reaction to Americans standing up and cheering the homecoming of a Marine… Continue Reading →
I’m thinking this Lehigh University professor doesn’t really like religion too much. And she has funny hair. ‘ HT Fox Nation *subhead*Anti-Christian.*subhead*
My latest in which I detail all the things we know about the latest Papal interview. *subhead*Bubkus.*subhead*
Paul Rodriguez, comedian, takes on the serious subject of immigration and..well, just watch. *subhead*Interesting.*subhead*
Diane K. at Te Deum blog takes me to task for use of the a quote in my piece yesterday “Putting The Homo-Heretics In Charge” The issue is my use of the broadly quoted Cardinal Archbishop Rainer Maria Woelki of… Continue Reading →
Some Papal Quotes that somehow and in some way beyond my meager intellect are in continuity with each other, or something. First Quote Pope Eugene IV, the Bull Cantate Domino, 1441. ex cathedra (infallibly defined): “The most Holy Roman Church… Continue Reading →
What do you do with a Bishop who openly and publicly contradicted Church teaching? Why, you make him Archbishop of Cologne, that’s what you do. Archbishop Rainer Maria Woelki of Berlin said this of homosexual unions in 2012. “If two… Continue Reading →
I would criticize what she said but it’s just liberal talking points. That’s all. It’s actually kinda’ sad. She says that people shouldn’t be able to “impose” their beliefs on others. Come on. Does she even listen to herself or… Continue Reading →
Hey, the left changed “baby” into “blob of tissue” so I guess it’s no surprise that they’ve changed “husband” and “wife” into the more generic “spouse.” Christian News: The governor of California has signed a bill into law that redefines… Continue Reading →
Pope Emeritus Benedict’s Germany will play against Argentina, the home country of Pope Present Francis. Where do you stand? I’m thinking Pope Benedict’s team will put some old school learnin’ on Pope Francis’ teams that probably pass waaaay too much… Continue Reading →
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