All those in favor of legalizing marijuana say it doesn’t affect them negatively. No damage to the intelligence at all. Well, once again, reality has cleared its throat and demanded to be acknowledged. Fox News reports: In yet another story… Continue Reading →
So this is the New Evangelization, huh? Say what you will YouTube is a place where souls can go to die. But many folks out there are shedding a little light out there -sometimes to great effect. Please check it… Continue Reading →
Democrats may have finally found an issue to turn this election season around. It turns out that Democrats don’t think we should be paying deported Nazis Social Security. Great. Wonderful. Except there’s like four of them left. Literally four. PoliticsPa… Continue Reading →
This is an excerpt from a speech written by Pope Benedict XVI and delivered on his behalf by Archbishop Georg Ganswein on Tuesday. ht to Fr. Ray Blake. The risen Lord instructed his apostles, and through them his disciples in… Continue Reading →
Hundreds of thousands of hits. Can’t argue with that. It’s pretty fun. Is this what they do at synods? *subhead*Fun.*subhead*
He doesn’t really discuss his newfound faith but he does mention it. It’s not a theological treatise but hey anytime someone mentions Christianity in a positive way (who is not Jon Voight or Jim Caviezel) it’s kind of worth taking… Continue Reading →
In the name of tolerance, a British education bureaucrat is threatening to close down a Christian school for being out of step with “British Values” unless it invites an Imam or a representative of a non-Christian faith to lead assemblies…. Continue Reading →
Bishop Tobin published his thoughts on the Synod. Definitely worth reading: The concept of having a representative body of the Church voting on doctrinal applications and pastoral solutions strikes me as being rather Protestant. — In addressing contemporary issues of… Continue Reading →
What to say about this. This is a type written letter that was mailed to my home. Perhaps I should have had it tested for Anthrax. It is from an Octogenarian of the Mad Men generation, which helps explain the… Continue Reading →
Soooo, Ron Klain, the guy in charge of defeating an epidemic believes that overpopulation is the biggest problem in the world today. Uh-oh. He thinks life is the problem. Hey, at least Obama’s Ebola policies make sense now. *subhead*Cross purposes.*subhead*
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