Two Catholic college students at Auburn make an “I’m so Catholic” parody of the hit song “I’m so Fancy” by Iggy Azalea. It’s pretty fun. HT Catholic Company *subhead*Fun.*subhead*
Millions gathered in the streets of Paris to proclaim their solidarity in resisting terrorism and to trumpet to the world their belief that Islam and the West can live in harmony. But it won’t make one bit of difference. Over… Continue Reading →
Oh, this clears it all up. Atlanta fire chief, Kelvin Cochran, wrote a book for his Bible study group in which he espoused actual Christian beliefs that included the teaching on homosexuality. He was fired. But don’t you call this… Continue Reading →
I know it’s a little late but it’s pretty funny so here you go. Ht Twitter A comb over? Really? This would be the perfect nativity scene for the ACLU: I’m all for minimalism but… A fashionista Christmas HT TeamJimmyJoe… Continue Reading →
*subhead*”Reproductive Rights”.*subhead* Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It was for these inalienable rights that the American colonists declared their independence. It is also for these rights that millions have traveled to our shores looking for opportunity and a… Continue Reading →
So it snowed here in Pennsylvania and it turned to ice pretty quick. I was very busy with work during the day so my three little ones volunteered to shovel the driveway. When they came in they told me they’d… Continue Reading →
There’s been a lot of this, where liberal secularists attempt to put Christians in the same box as radical terrorist Muslims. The ironic part is that, in truth, they like Christians a lot less. Here you have some nozzle on… Continue Reading →
Increasingly, the Catholic League’s Bill Donohue is less a defender of Catholicism and more a defender of the sycophantic whims of his patrons. First was his shameful defense of the St. Patrick’s Gay Parade. Now his absurd moral equivalence with… Continue Reading →
The mayor of Atlanta Kasim Reed announced today the firing of the city’s fire chief for the crime of being a Christian, according to news reports. It seems the fire chief, Kelvin Cochran, wrote a book for his Bible study… Continue Reading →
Good for Bishop Tobin. I can’t stand pro-abortion politicians using the presence of bishops as an imprimatur for their pro-death politics. Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas J. Tobin said Monday he rejected an invitation this past weekend to attend Governor-elect Gina… Continue Reading →
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