We Laugh Because We Believe

Month January 2015

Going Liam Neeson

I am sure you have heard about the Connecticut teen who has been medically kidnapped and forced to undergo chemotherapy because her parents sought a second opinion. This is just the latest case of state-knows-best medical kidnapping. Every time I… Continue Reading →

Proving that Polls Lie, Pew Says Congress 92% Christian

I don’t trust polls about sex or religion. The Washington Post reports that Pew says 92 percent of congress is Christian. Does anyone actually believe that? Pew Forum published its study of The Religious Composition of the new 114th Congress…. Continue Reading →

ABp Wenski – Support Gay Marriage and You’re Fired

Archbishop Wenski to Archdiocesan employees: Support gay marriage and you’re fired. Amen. The Archdiocese of Miami is warning employees that they could be fired for any conduct that is “inconsistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church” in the wake… Continue Reading →

So Much for “My Body, My Choice”

The state of Connecticut has removed a 17 year old girl (known as Cassandra C.) from her parents and is forcing her to receive chemotherapy, according to news reports. Oddly, no women’s rights adovcates are expressing concern that the state… Continue Reading →

Watch the Making of an Icon

*subhead*Relaxing and Beautiful.*subhead* There are a lot of things to worry about in the world. But God still reveals Himself through the hands of men. Sip a glass of wine, do some deep breathing and marvel at this beautiful process… Continue Reading →

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Whatever

Over at the Register I take a look at the all too common view of the (lack of) necessity of the Church for salvation. Please read and share. *subhead*A question of Emphasis.*subhead*

Mario Cuomo and His Abortion Speech at Notre Dame

The late New York Governor Mario Cuomo is credited for making it possible to be a pro-choice Catholic in his speech at the University of Notre Dame. Really what he made possible is for Democrats to fund Planned Parenthood with… Continue Reading →

I’m Sure It’s Christians’ Fault But Study Says Post Abortive Women a Suicide Risk

The war on women continues. Because the “right” to kill babies in the name of women’s health is more important than actual women’s health. NRTL News: Voluntary guidelines for post-abortion mental health evaluations during the month following an abortion have… Continue Reading →

Lemons –> Lemonade

Making lemons into lemonade. Today I got a flat tire taking my daughter to a soccer game. Tire was toast, so I put a new tire on the car. But I kept the flat tire because I recently watched this… Continue Reading →

Irish Court Says It’s In Best Interest of Child to be Killed in Womb of Brain-Dead Mother

This is horrific. The worst part is that the court says death is in the best interest of the child. Just let that thought sink in for a moment. LifeNews.com reports: The High Court in Ireland issued a ruling today… Continue Reading →

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