This is what I wrote 2 years ago today. I still feel much the same way. Truth? What was my initial reaction upon hearing the news of the Pope’s resignation? I was ticked. While it is certainly possible for a… Continue Reading →
So it turns out that the UNC-Chapel Hill killer was as Instapundit writes a “hardcore anti-religion atheist progressive.” Sooo…this will get no attention whatsoever. IF HE WERE A TEA PARTIER, THIS WOULD BE THE #1 STORY NATIONALLY: Killer of 3… Continue Reading →
My 4th grade boy is extremely bright, extremely shy, and sensitive. As a result, he has had trouble making friends. So tonight, he confided his sadness over his difficulties. His older 6th grade brother, who usually has nothing nice to… Continue Reading →
So Obama lied about being against gay marriage before he was for it. We all knew that already. Heck, I could probably point to a few examples right here on CMR where we said as much if I weren’t so… Continue Reading →
Melissa Harris-Perry is not an actual journalist but she pretends to be one on MSNBC. She’s a shill for the Democrat party. But this moment is just breathtakingly stupid and embarrassing, even more so than when she wore tampons on… Continue Reading →
Remember the scene where Crocodile Dundee checks the nether bits of a trans-woman. Well, now Bryn Mawr College, a very liberal arts all-women’s college right outside Philadelphia, has announced that it intends to go full Crocodile Dundee on some applicants…. Continue Reading →
What is it with Kazakhstan? Why should they get so many holy and wise Bishops? Rorate has the exclusive translation of what is a remarkable open letter from His Excellency Archbishop Jan Pawel Lenga, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of… Continue Reading →
It almost sounds like a joke. So these traditional Catholics walk into a gay bar… *subhead*Some old school mercy.*subhead*
President Obama took to the podium of the National Prayer Breakfast to criticize the “terrible deeds” . . . committed “in the name of Christ” throughout the pass two thousand years or so. “And lest we get on our high… Continue Reading →
Presidential hopeful Bobby Jindal scored with a statement on Obama’s warning about Christians getting on their “high horse” about condemning violence. NRO: “It was nice of the President to give us a history lesson at the Prayer breakfast,” Jindal said…. Continue Reading →
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