Michael Hichborn and the Lepanto Institute do very important but very unglamorous work exposing the unfortunate truth about the evils directly and indirectly supported by too many supposedly Catholic charities. Recently, Lepanto reported on the Salesian Missions support for programs… Continue Reading →
This looks like a pretty decent Christian movie with an A-list star in Jennifer Garner. Seriously guys, we’re always complaining that they don’t make movies for families or Christian movies anymore. But they are. And we’re not supporting them enough…. Continue Reading →
Academy award winning actress (I think?) Jennifer Lawrence had some not-so-nice things to say about conservative Christians. Not nice at all. I guess she has to make it clear to Hollywood that she’s one of them by ranting about women’s… Continue Reading →
So we should legalize pot so we can bring it out of the shadows and regulate it so it would be safe for everyone. But say, didn’t we legalize abortion to bring it out of the shadows, regulate it, and… Continue Reading →
Ben Carson brings up Nazis and Hitler like I bring up tacos. Believe me, it’s a lot. And now that Jeb made it cool to discuss offering baby Fuhrer, now we’re going to see folks lining up with their cell… Continue Reading →
Do you know that movie cliché wherein after chasing the bad guys for half the movie, the team finally has him cornered only to have one of their own take their pointed gun and slowly turn it on our hero,… Continue Reading →
I see what’s going on at colleges nowadays and it’s just ridiculous. The absurd administrative bloat, the radical academics, the softened curriculum, and mostly the crybaby kids. I was going to write how this is our kids’ time to take… Continue Reading →
Parents, keep paying $50,000 per year so your kids can become intolerance thugs. This video is being widely mocked because these little brainwashed students are acting like thugs and also because the woman calling for more “muscle” against a reporter… Continue Reading →
My son has his Confirmation today. This is such an important, but often overlooked sacrament. Here is what the great St. Vincent Ferrer had to say about confirmation and its importance in the latter days. “In the days of peace… Continue Reading →
This is disturbing. Prominent Catholic and pro-life presidential candidate Jeb Bush told the Huffington Post that if he could go back in time to kill little baby Adolf Hitler he would. In fact, his considered moral response was “Hell yeah”… Continue Reading →
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