Over at the Remnant, they have posted online my most recent column. For me, this is one of the most important things I have written because it attempts to get at the root cause of all our troubles. To do… Continue Reading →
Chris Cuomo, unsure if everyone in America knew he was a jerk, went well out of his way to ensure that everyone was reminded today. Cuomo essentially blamed Carly Fiorina for the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado. And he really… Continue Reading →
Man, if I hadn’t had my tear ducts removed in the fourth grade (no anesthesia) this video would create problems for me. This is pretty awesome. The little girl’s face at the end is wonderful. *subhead*Best present ever.*subhead*
Looks good. *subhead*Great.*subhead*
A board member of the Colorado ACLU is saying that Trump supporters should be shot. And I’ve gotta’ be honest it doesn’t seem like a joke. Gateway Pundit reports: Liberals are taking their war on leading Republican presidential candidate Donald… Continue Reading →
Listen to real women talk about just one of the great pro-life networks out there helping women in need every day. These testimonies are from the great Gabriel Network, a Christian ministry of loving service to women and families challenged… Continue Reading →
So here’s my question: If I inadvertently convert a Jew do I have to go to confession? Like if a Jew comes up and says “Hey I was wondering about this Jesus” should I say “I can’t talk to you… Continue Reading →
There has much discussion and much more shouting masquerading as discussion these last days over Trump’s proposed Muslim Immigration ban. So much of the online discussion misses some fundamental points, so I would like to just cover them very briefly… Continue Reading →
There are some who ascribe political motivations to Donald Trump’s announced plan to establish a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” Some say that it was a brilliant attempt to establish even more of a contrast… Continue Reading →
The U.S. Senate passed a reconciliation bill which defunds the abortion giant Planned Parenthood and reallocates the funding to health care centers which do not perform abortions. The willingness of Republicans in the Senate to take this on and actually… Continue Reading →
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