We Laugh Because We Believe

Month January 2016

What on Earth Does “Fell Pregnant” Mean Anyway?

OK. This term confuses me. I’m reading an article about a barmaid who was fired for being pregnant and the article said: Barmaid who fell pregnant told to leave before becoming ‘fat and wobbly’ Bar manager who fell unexpectedly pregnant… Continue Reading →

The Amazing History Behind the Very Christian Plaque at Mount Rushmore

The story behind a plaque at Mount Rushmore explaining the history of the United States of America with quite a Christian flavor would probably surprise many people. President Calvin Coolidge met the artist Gutzon Borglum who prompted him to dedicate… Continue Reading →

Feds Propose Removing ‘He’ and ‘She’ from Regulation to ‘Avoid the Gender Binary’

God created them man and woman. The federal government thought them otherwise. The Washington Free Beacon reports: The Department of Labor is seeking to remove the terms “he” and “she” from a regulation prohibiting discrimination in the workforce in an… Continue Reading →

Anglican Bishop Of London: Vicars should grow BEARDS to reach out to Muslims

Western civilization RIP. The Daily Mail has the cause of death: Clergymen should grow beards to emphasise their holiness to Muslims, the Bishop of London has suggested. Rt Reverend Richard Chartres said the modern fashion for facial hair should not… Continue Reading →

Top 10 Proofs U.S. in a Handbasket to…You Know Where

10) After a series of videos showed Planned Parenthood attempting to sell baby body parts there have been no indictments of any Planned Parenthood employees but a grand jury indicted the two pro-lifers who ran the sting operation. One of… Continue Reading →

Only 24% of LMU Faculty are Catholic

I just received this troubling information in my email from Renew LMU, an organization committed to restoring Loyola Marymount University’s Catholic identity. A faculty survey revealed that only 24% of LMU professors are Catholic. The percentage of Catholic faculty is… Continue Reading →

NYC To Stop Enforcing Law Against Urinating on Sidewalk Because…Racist.

I’m not a fan of government passing too many laws but I think one against peeing on the sidewalk is probably a good one to keep on the books. A very good one. But that’s not stopping New York City’s… Continue Reading →

Olympics Changes Rules on Transgender Athletes – Women Lose

*subhead*The end of women’s sports?*subhead* All of my daughters are athletes. It isn’t always easy when my daughter’s varsity basketball team plays after the boys, and the once full gym empties as the girls start their game. It is heart… Continue Reading →

Why Must We ‘Rediscover’ Catholicism? (Can’t they just give it back?)

In my latest for the Remnant, I discuss the absurd notion that in order to reach the lukewarm and fallen-away Catholics, we must give them more of the same drivel that drove them away and what the right approach is…. Continue Reading →

Disgusting. ABC Asks if Duck Dynasty Patriarch Loves Black Grandchild

Ugh. This sickens me. Absolutely sickens me. I despise the media. I really do. HT MRC *subhead*Racism.*subhead*

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