Being a man of strong ethics, Dr. Ben Carson eschewed the dirty politics of Ted Cruz, but endorsed Donald Trump precisely because he is a liar. I’m not kidding. Please remember, Dr. Carson essentially became a political enemy of Ted… Continue Reading →
Profound words. Hey, when the world’s oldest man, who is a survivor of Auschwitz, has something to say, it’s time to look up from your Kindle, put down the phone, shake off your earbuds and listen for a moment. Born… Continue Reading →
Over at the Remnant, I discuss the good and the bad of Summorum Pontificum. I am very much interested in your thoughts. Please give it a read. *subhead*Good and bad.*subhead*
Father Douglass Bazi, a Chaldean Catholic priest in Iraq, held up a bloody shirt at the National Press Club this week while begging the U.S. State department to recognize ISIS’ targeting of Christians in Iraq and Syria as officially genocide…. Continue Reading →
Just some random observations and thoughts about politics. * * * Some people say that Rubio supporters are like Trump supporters in their intransigence and denial of basic facts. I don’t think so. Trump supporters are their own thing. But… Continue Reading →
I saw that Time Magazine ran a piece by Heather Shumaker, essentially positing that kids, especially little kids, are being assigned too much homework. I’m not against homework. But I am against busy work. Far too often I see assignments… Continue Reading →
So you’ve got nice looking people with children holding signs that say things like “Families, not felons” and “My Dad is not a Criminal.” Polygamists are acting like victims. This is the same game plan that was used to legalize… Continue Reading →
“You know me Matt, I go to Church on Sunday, but I think Ted Cruz is way to Jesus-y for America today.” That’s what someone told me yesterday. They said this as a way of explaining that they weren’t supporting… Continue Reading →
This is really not good. Notre Dame has announced that it will grant its highest honor for Catholics, the Laetare Medal, to pro-abortion Vice President Joe Biden. Please allow me to bring you a story about Biden. It’s written by… Continue Reading →
When the last Christian in the Muslim dominated Middle East is put to the sword by ISIS, will the mass slaughter then be labeled “genocide?” As of now, the Obama administration is still mind-bogglingly refusing to label the anti-Christian violence… Continue Reading →
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