Let me make this very clear. THERE WOULD BE NO WESTERN CIVILIZATION IF THERE WERE NO CHRISTIANITY. I wrote that in bold in deference to our readers more resistant to reality (liberals.) The College Fix: The new Advanced Placement European… Continue Reading →
So a man suffered a fatal heart attack on a plane and a passenger came over to pray with the man’s wife. That man was Tim Tebow. And as the story got out on social media because other passengers shared… Continue Reading →
Drudge Headline: ‘Brexit’ Hot Topic At Elite Hamptons Orgy… Matt Headline: Worst. Orgy. Ever. This is why us religious types will eventually win. The left can’t even run an orgy correctly. We have a bunch of children and they get… Continue Reading →
Feel free to steal it if you want. *subhead*Huh?.*subhead*
My first book titled “Faith Under Fire: Dramatic Stories of Christian Courage” is now out. It celebrates the lives of eighteen modern Christian men, women, and children who chose to do what they knew to be right, even if the… Continue Reading →
Justice Alito read aloud from his scathing dissent of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Texas’ abortion law. As to the particulars of the case, he raised the specter of Kermit Gosnell. “If Pennsylvania had had such a requirement in… Continue Reading →
I woke up to Facebook and saw headlines saying “did you see what the pope said?” This happens a lot. Millions of Catholics are reading this morning stories like this one from Reuters: Pope Francis said on Sunday that Christians… Continue Reading →
Delivering the homily at the Fortnight for Freedom Mass earlier this week, Archbishop Thomas Wenski invoked the martyrdoms of Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher as increasingly relevant in today’s culture of intolerance toward Christianity. Speaking at the Little Flower… Continue Reading →
So prayer and religion is something that must be done in private and not imposed on others. But sex is exploited on every billboard and screen. They’re the ones screaming for us to keep our laws out of their bedrooms… Continue Reading →
We read so much about in-utero diagnoses with terrible endings. It’s nice to read one with a happy ending where the parents decided not to abort and doctors used 21st century technology to save the baby, rather than harm. Yahoo:… Continue Reading →
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