Despite being guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution, religious liberty is in the crosshairs of many of our most powerful elected officials. But our Founding Fathers were very clear about ensuring religious liberty for all Americans. Here are… Continue Reading →
Cardinal Raymond Burke reveals one very important reason the issue of abortion is a personal one. Catholic Herald UK: Cardinal Raymond Burke has revealed that his mother was advised to abort him. In a new book-length interview with the French… Continue Reading →
The day after Tim Kaine was announced as Hillary’s vice-presidential pick, his parish St. Elizabeth’s in Virginia tweeted out a congratulatory tweet that CNN reporter Betsy Klein retweeted. @elizabethjdias @timkaine well. It did a second ago. and now it says… Continue Reading →
Over at the Remnant, I discuss the latest political power plays out of the Vatican and ultimately what that might mean for the SSPX. It might be the opposite of what you think. Give it a read and let me… Continue Reading →
This is what you call crowdsource parenting. My teenage daughter has been friends with this other girl since she can remember. I think they met in Kindergarten. Nice kid. And by “nice kid” I mean that I’ve never seen her… Continue Reading →
Watch as Debbie Wasserman Schultz gets booed off the stage this morning at the Florida delegate breakfast. Mind you, this is the Florida delegation. Imagine what will happen when she attempts to gavel the convention start tonight. But hey, last… Continue Reading →
Increasingly, the metaphorical “seamless garment” is being used as a blanket to cover things. Note to Catholic politicians: the “seamless garment” is not an invisibility cloak for evil. It is intended to reveal the faith to us more fully so… Continue Reading →
Here’s the media code. Pro-lifers like Rick Santorum or Bobby Jindal are called “fundamentalist Catholics” or “Conservative Catholics” while others like Joe Biden and Tim Kaine are called “devout Catholics” or “former altar boy.” Got it? *subhead*Double standard.*subhead*
It’s a great response, which is posted on his Facebook page. Lt. Governor Dan Forest releases statement on NBA’s decision to relocate the 2017 All-Star Game: What is happening here is so much bigger than a basketball game. A sovereign… Continue Reading →
That’s how the world is now. Those speaking logically or with even common sense are treated as bombastic flamethrowers who need to be silenced. Cardinal Raymond Burke here said something completely reasonable and true and the world absolutely freaks. Catholic… Continue Reading →
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