Right now, I find myself thinking lots and lots about the dire situation this country, our culture, and the Church finds itself in. I find that this might just be the path to true happiness. *subhead*Obsess.*subhead*
My 11 year old son either has awesome underwater super powers or he is cheating at Marco Polo. He says he’s not cheating so I may be selling him to science at an awesome profit. I should probably ask him… Continue Reading →
We are no longer nation of laws but of gangs. The FBI is recommending no charges against Hillary Clinton. We all knew it was coming. But it’s like hitting bottom. You fall and fall and you know the thud is… Continue Reading →
Yup. That happened. The NY Times just reported “Democrats close to Mrs. Clinton say she may decide to retain Ms. Lynch, the nation’s first black woman to be attorney general.” So, you wouldn’t know it from reading the Times article… Continue Reading →
Oh my. In light of Independence Day, I figured I could go with dropping some words from the Declaration on you or I could show you why we’re doomed. I opted for the doomed thing. It’s not enough that the… Continue Reading →
The San Francisco Gate is pushing people to go to the gay pride parade. And it’s telling parents that it’s all good for your kids. But hilariously, this is the quote they use to cajole parents: “We have been bringing… Continue Reading →
Richard Gallagher, a board-certified psychiatrist and a professor of clinical psychiatry at New York Medical College, writes in the Washington Post about his consultations on exorcisms. I’m glad they just let him write it instead of filtering his story through… Continue Reading →
My 8 year old asked if I could buy her a punching bag. I told her she could hit her brother and save me $25. She responded by saying, “I tried that but he hits back.” So it seems to… Continue Reading →
The headlines are screaming: “Former Pope Benedict says in his memoirs… that a “gay lobby” in the Vatican had tried to influence decisions.” Matt is screaming: Duh. Seriously, how is this news? Or more accurately, who is this news to?… Continue Reading →
In the past decade there has been great progress in protecting the unborn at the state level. The U.S. Supreme Court just did everything they could to stop that. Five Supreme Court legislators (which let’s face it, that’s what they… Continue Reading →
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