We Laugh Because We Believe

Month August 2016

Amazing Video. Dad Has Alzheimers But Comes Back When He Sings

This video has gone viral of a father who is suffering from dementia singing a little carpool karaoke with his son in a carpool karaoke of Quando Quando Quando. Some days he can’t remember who his loved ones are but… Continue Reading →

Happy Catholic Hearts “Faith Under Fire: Dramatic Stories of Christian Courage.”

Thank so much to Julia D. of Happy Catholic for writing such a wonderful review of my book Faith Under Fire: Dramatic Stories of Christian Courage.” She gave it five stars. Part of what attracted me to this book was… Continue Reading →

Despite Losing in Court, Obama Continues Bullying Catholics with HHS Mandate

Oh, you thought a little thing like a Supreme Court ruling would stop President Obama from getting his way? Silly American. These people are, in a word, lawless. They will do whatever it takes to impose their will. Typically, you… Continue Reading →

Christian Sentenced to Five Years By Muslims for…Being Christian

You know, today is the Feast of the Assumption. Mary said “yes” to God’s will despite having every reason not to. This man also said yes despite having every reason not to. I pray I would be as brave as… Continue Reading →

Subscribe to the Catholic Digest

Just in case you didn’t know, I’ve long written a monthly column for The Catholic Digest. It’s mostly funny stories about my attempt to raise five children. But the magazine itself is simply the best Catholic magazine out there, in… Continue Reading →

America’s Birth Rate Lowest Ever. Yeah, We’re Doomed

They say America doesn’t make anything anymore. I didn’t know they meant babies. The Week reports: There are now only 59.6 births per 1,000 women, the lowest rate ever recorded in the United States. It used to be taken for… Continue Reading →

Hey, Didn’t God Assist in Jesus’ Suicide?

A young woman diagnosed with ALS in 2013 recently gathered friends and family for an assisted suicide party. It’s all terribly sad. Her sister wrote about in The San Diego Tribune. There’s assorted pics which show them all laughing and… Continue Reading →

Irony Alert. Pelosi Says She’s “All About Babies.”

Margaret Sanger award recipient say what? CNSNews.com: At a Capitol Hill press conference on Thursday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the Zika virus threat is “all about babies.” “The Zika in the Southern part of our country is… Continue Reading →

2,000 Year old Demon Scrolls Discovered. Wait, You Didn’t Read Them, Did You?

OK. Archaeologists need to get out to the movies more. So here’s what we know, according to The Guardian: Archaeologists in Serbia are trying to decipher magic spells etched on to tiny rolls of gold and silver that have been… Continue Reading →

Looking for Hope? Read “Faith Under Fire: Dramatic Stories of Christian Courage.”

Faith Under Fire: Dramatic Stories of Christian Courage celebrates the lives of eighteen Christian men, women, and children who chose to do what they knew to be right, even if the rest of the world hated them for it. Read… Continue Reading →

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