Dear Archbishop Chaput, this does not help one become a Cardinal in today’s Church. Just sayin’. The archdiocese announced Sunday, April 8 the decision of Archbishop Charles Chaput to establish a “quasi-parish” at St. Mary Church in Conshohocken, effective… Continue Reading →
Nothing to worry about here. Talking about hate speech, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who is definitely not a robot, says he wouldn’t WANT pro-lifers to be silenced. Hey, if it happens so be it, right? He offers no guarantee. He… Continue Reading →
This is news: “Facebook is displaying advertisements for well-known American corporations on group pages operated by overseas wildlife traffickers illegally selling the body parts of threatened animals, including elephant ivory, rhino horn and tiger teeth.” Not news is Planned Parenthood… Continue Reading →
There’s a great deal of discussion about “casual sex” on college campuses today but should anyone really be aiming for “casual” in our relations with anyone? When we meet others, we are faced with the option of using them for… Continue Reading →
Gallup reports that Catholic church attendance in the US has been on a steady decline in the last decade. No great surprise there. I mean, you can be spiritual anywhere. You don’t need to go to church or nothing, right?… Continue Reading →
The College Fix: Just four days after Easter, George Washington University will host a training session for students and faculty that teaches that Christians — especially white ones — “receive unmerited perks from institutions and systems all across our country.”… Continue Reading →
As a Catholic, I’m confused. I know using contraception is a sin but what about snorting condoms? I guess it falls under the old saying of the Church Fathers which was, if i recall, “Thou shall not be an idiot”… Continue Reading →
This may come as a shock to many but it was never about Donald Trump. Many in the media and on the left (redundancy alert) have made the mistake of acting as if all they have to do is demonstrate… Continue Reading →
The Washington Examiner recently reported that the U.S. Navy has rejected the application of Jason Heap to become the Navy’s first Secular Humanist chaplain. They rejected it even though the Navy chaplain advisory board recommended approval. But 45 House members… Continue Reading →
Ah Pope Francis really does understand the youth. He know that by an old pope encouraging them to shout more and act like know-it-alls that will instantly make shouting and know-it-all-ism totally uncool just from the shear uncoolness of his… Continue Reading →
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