Dear Archbishop Chaput, this does not help one become a Cardinal in today’s Church. Just sayin’.

The archdiocese announced Sunday, April 8 the decision of Archbishop Charles Chaput to establish a “quasi-parish” at St. Mary Church in Conshohocken, effective Aug. 1.

It will be staffed by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, and a pastor from the community of Catholic priests will be appointed at a later date…

The term for this kind of parish may be unfamiliar to most Catholics but it is provided for in church law, the Code of Canon Law.
Canon 516.1 explains that a quasi-parish is “a definite community of the Christian faithful” in a diocese, is “entrusted to a priest as its pastor” and is “equivalent to a parish” but is “not yet erected as a parish because of particular circumstances.”
In its statement, the archdiocese said the quasi-parish was being established “in response to an interest for additional pastoral care for those wishing to participate in divine worship in the Extraordinary Form.”

Most Catholics in the Latin Rite worship through the Mass in the Ordinary Form published in the United States in 1973 as the fruit of liturgical reforms following the Second Vatican Council. The Ordinary Form was further refined in the U.S. with some revised vernacular translations in 2010.

Yet interest by some Catholics in the pre-Vatican II Mass celebrated in Latin, often referred to as the Tridentine Mass, persisted over the years.

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