We Laugh Because We Believe

Month September 2020

Good News for Catholics!!!

Good news Catholics!!! You are not responsible for the state of the world, the country, or even the Church as a whole. Nope. You’re merely responsible for the state of your soul. For me, that’s a burden that’s quite heavy… Continue Reading →

Laughably Anti-Christian Headline

This is laughably anti-Catholic. And by “laughably” I mean holy crap, they really hate us. I mean like really really hate us. Actual headline: “Florida’s new justice belongs to Christian group using law to ‘spread the Gospel’” Translation: She actually… Continue Reading →

A Tale of Two Bishops

A Wisconsin priest spoke truth. That is a very dangerous act in this world that enjoys obfuscation. He will be punished for it. I knew that. You knew that. But most importantly, I believe he knew that. Fr. Altman’s video… Continue Reading →

What if I told You I Knew a Faithful, Funny, and Brilliant Jesuit

I was on Fr. Robert McTeigue’s radio show The Catholic Current. The man is brilliant, faithful, and funny. We talk about religious freedom and Covid. Here’s the episode. Also, Fr. McTeigue has a new book out from Ignatius Press. I… Continue Reading →

National Guard Disobeys Orders, Saves 200 from Widlfire

 This is amazing. And beautiful. And all the things you want from a post on…wellk, pretty much anything. You can hear an interview with the Chinook pilot here.

Gov Cuomo Delivers Mostly Peaceful Threat to Trump

That Trump coarsening our county’s political dialogue again.  NY Post:  New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday all but threatened President Trump’s safety if he returns to New York City in a rant responding to an exclusive story by The Post that… Continue Reading →

Catholic Student Removed from Student Government for Crime of Being Catholic

This is what it’s come to folks. You can now be removed for espousing Catholic teaching in a place that claims it’s dedicated to free speech.  Lifesitenews.com:  A Florida State University senior is suing several officials at the university and… Continue Reading →

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