We Laugh Because We Believe

Month January 2023

Texas Father, Whose Son is Being Transitioned in California, Pleas with GOP To Step In. Crickets.

What is the opposition party for, if not opposing the medical mutilation and castration of children? This is heartbreaking. You really can mess with Texas, especially if you like castrating kids. https://t.co/9sjHPAxSqp — Steve Deace (@SteveDeaceShow) January 6, 2023

Report: Passion of the Christ Sequel to Shoot in 2023.

I. Can’t. Wait. Mel Gibson is one of the greatest directors alive. His film, The Passion, is one we watch every Easter. It’s beautiful, horrible, painful, and memorable. World of Reel reports: It’s been a long time coming, but I’m… Continue Reading →

Video: Man Denied Communion While Kneeling at Pope Benedict’s Funeral

Oh my. Pope Francis, when discussing offering the Eucharist to pro-abortion politicians said he has never denied Communion to anyone, even pro-abortion politicians. But if someone kneels and attempts to receive Communion on the tongue…then all bets are off? In… Continue Reading →

KJP: Vatican Asked Biden To NOT Attend Pope Benedict’s Funeral?

I’m not sure she even knows what she’s saying, to be honest. But what she says is that President Biden will not be attending the funeral, per request of the Vatican. We have a president who doesn’t know what he’s… Continue Reading →

The Latest Scientific Evidence of God and the Soul – Fr Robert Spitzer

Young scientists are trending towards believing in God. That’s good news. And there’s good reason for this. Fr. Robert Spitzer, President of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith (www.magiscenter.com) and the Spitzer Center for Ethical Leadership, speaks and offers… Continue Reading →

Congressman To Place Hand on Superman Comic When Swearing In.

Ugh. And these people consider themselves elite. What would George Washington say about the state of our leaders today? The Blaze reports that the California Democrat who was elected to U.S. Congress will be sworn in on various documents, including… Continue Reading →

In Bizarre New DC Comic, Joker Gets Pregnant and Has Baby.

Is it any wonder that the comic industry is going broke? DC Comics, clearly attempting to outwoke Marvel, has published a new comic in which the Joker gets pregnant and has a baby. Because men can get pregnant too, silly…. Continue Reading →

Why is Four Rounds of Votes for Speaker Outrageous but Voting in General Elections Lasting Months is OK?

We’re being told this is insane that the election for speaker has gone four rounds. Supporters of Kevin McCarthy call it “embarrassing.” Dan Crenshaw has called Republicans who oppose McCarthy “traitors.” Yet, Election Day being turned into election season right… Continue Reading →

New York Legalizes Composting Human Remains.

We are on step away from: Repeat after me -There is nothing special about humans. We are just another life form crawling over the surface of a meaningless rock in an empty universe. Grandma can now go from this: To… Continue Reading →

Woman Throws Brick Through Church Window. Arrested.

Hey, at least someone got arrested this time. This is, of course, only the latest in a series of vandalisms against Catholic Churches in the past year. Nebraska TV: A woman was arrested at the scene following a church vandalism… Continue Reading →

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