We Laugh Because We Believe

Month June 2024

“Scientific” Mag Wants Homeschooling Regulated.

Since Covid, the number of parents homeschooling their children has increased. Please remember, the left is not having their own children so the only way they can continue is by indoctrinating yours. So please offer up your children to thee… Continue Reading →

This is Controversial but this Isn’t?

Controversial: This is not: We’re being bombarded with stories about how “controversial” it is that Louisiana has ordered its schools to post the Ten Commandments in their classrooms. The media is freaking. It’s just funny what makes them upset and… Continue Reading →

And They Didn’t See This Coming?

This is an actual headline from the former news network called CNN: “Once Nicknamed “Murderapolis,” the city that became the center of the ‘Defund the Police’ movement is grappling with heightened violent crime.” The city that defunded the police is… Continue Reading →

Boston Celtics Coach Joe Mazulla Praying the Rosary Before Winning Championship.

I was kinda’ rooting for the Mavs but I love to see this. This guy is the real deal. WATCH: Footage reveals Boston Celtics Head Coach Joe Mazzulla praying the rosary on a "prayer walk" around the court before winning… Continue Reading →

The Rainbow Can be Ever-Present but the Cross Must Remain Hidden.

It’s pretty amazing. The US Flag can be burned but it’s a crime to destroy the Pride flag. You can’t have a cross or crucifix in a public school but you MUST have a rainbow. They barred the cross because… Continue Reading →

Judge Mocks 75 Year old Pro-Lifer’s Catholic Faith Upon Hearing Plea from her Husband.

This is evil. This 75 year old woman, Paula Harlow was arrested and convicted by the Biden DOJ for protesting in front of an abortion clinic in 2020. This wasn’t one of those mostly peaceful protests. It was an actually… Continue Reading →

More Faulty Wiring?

Nothing to see here, folks. Just another church burning to the ground. Man, that’s a lot of faulty wiring. Devastating fire at St. Anne’s Anglican Church in Toronto. We are all thinking the same thing about the fire origin.pic.twitter.com/amE9JEReGs —… Continue Reading →

The Media Doesn’t Want You to Know This. MS-13 Gang Worships Satan.

The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, in an amazing conversation with Tucker Carlson, said that the MS13 gang is a satanic gang and explained their origins. 🚨During an interview with Tucker Carlson, the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele,… Continue Reading →

Celtics Coach Asked About Race, Redirects to Christianity.

Celtics coach Joe Mazzulla certainly his a proud Christian. Proud in the good way. Not the sinful way. When asked a race baiting question about two black coaches meeting in the NBA Finals, he shrugs and redirects the question to… Continue Reading →

Trump is a Middle Finger.

This is the thing that the left doesn’t get. It’s not that many love Trump. It’s that Trump is the middle finger to the left. This guy might be the best example of that. 🚨BREAKING: A Patriot put a Trump… Continue Reading →

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