We Laugh Because We Believe

Month June 2024

The Media Doesn’t Want You to Know This. MS-13 Gang Worships Satan.

The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, in an amazing conversation with Tucker Carlson, said that the MS13 gang is a satanic gang and explained their origins. 🚨During an interview with Tucker Carlson, the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele,… Continue Reading →

Celtics Coach Asked About Race, Redirects to Christianity.

Celtics coach Joe Mazzulla certainly his a proud Christian. Proud in the good way. Not the sinful way. When asked a race baiting question about two black coaches meeting in the NBA Finals, he shrugs and redirects the question to… Continue Reading →

Trump is a Middle Finger.

This is the thing that the left doesn’t get. It’s not that many love Trump. It’s that Trump is the middle finger to the left. This guy might be the best example of that. 🚨BREAKING: A Patriot put a Trump… Continue Reading →

And Now for Some Good News…

Sometimes it just takes a little reminder that there a millions of faithful people out there, praying. The world is not completely lost. Close. But not completely. The western route of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, the Serra Route, is passing… Continue Reading →

Vermont Won’t Place Foster Children with Christian Parents.

Two Christian families filed a lawsuit over violations to their rights to free religious expression after being told that they couldn’t foster children until they changed their religious views on gender. Oh, if they agreed to be re-educated and changed… Continue Reading →

United Methodist Church Loses 1 Million Members in Single Day.

Ouch. That had to hurt. Protestant gonna’ protestant. Once you walk away from the true faith and make God’s words secondary to your own wants and desires, you’ve stopped worshipping God and started deifying yourself. The Blaze: Last month, the… Continue Reading →

Does This Make You Want to See the New Star Wars?

Nothing to do with telling a good story. It’s all about the message. You see, it used to be that when you watched a story you watched someone going through something extraordinary and the character would change. But now, the… Continue Reading →

I Don’t Even Know What to Root for In This Case.

This is like when the Dallas Cowboys taken on the Patriots. I just root for injuries, I guess. A Pro-Palestinian parade clashed with a gay pride parade. I guess this eventually had to happen, right? Pro-Palestine protesters clash with Philly… Continue Reading →

Exposing Scientific Dogmas.

This is perfect and dead on accurate…which is why it got banned from Ted Talks. The science community wants you to believe they have everything figured out. But they don’t. In fact, they’re just establishing “truths” that don’t truth. But… Continue Reading →

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