*subhead*Time for society to catch up.*subhead* It is as inevitable as the passing of time. Once there is a new pope, the world begins to wonder when the Catholic Church is going to leave its “medieval thinking” behind and join… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Huxley Wins*subhead* I read somewhere that while both George Orwell’s 1984 and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World contained dystopian futures, Huxley’s world, where humans are made in “hatcheries” and the people were kept compliant, not by the threat of Big… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Therapy or control?*subhead* Obama has announced his latest project, the BRAIN Initiative. BRAIN is short for Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies. Hinting at this $100 million project (to start) in his State of the Union address, Obama pronounced: “If… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Elementary.*subhead* The chemist in me could not help but make this tribute to our new Holy Father who has a masters in chemistry. (Yes. I am that much of a geek.) Habemus Papam Franciscum! Happy day! Rebecca Taylor blogs at… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Transhumanist poster boy.*subhead* After Lance Armstrong admitted that he cheated with performance enhancing drugs, I was waiting for the transhumanists to claim him as their own. It didn’t take long. The title of this Wired piece says it all: “Lance… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Life, Love and Joy.*subhead* As the 40th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade dawns, my friends that have adopted children have been posting pictures on Facebook of their beautiful families and thanking the birth mothers for their courage and sacrifice. These… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Life, liberty and % Neanderthal.*subhead* These days it seems we have a “right” to everything except the rights that are actually given to us by our Creator and enumerated in the Constitution. (My latest favorite is the “right to be… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Natural is good.*subhead* Peering into the abyss of biotechnology, I have often mused that the problem with much of what goes on in fertility clinics and laboratories of the world is a denial of human nature. The denial that living… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Watch out Halloween!*subhead* I recently saw a Jon Stewart monologue that really got me thinking. Stewart was making fun of Fox News’ “War on Christmas.” Stewart asks how could there possibly be a “War on Christmas” when Christmas, as a… Continue Reading →
*subhead*We KNOW it!*subhead* I don’t know how many times I have heard it. Well-meaning Catholics who say, “As a Catholic, I believe life begins at conception.” I have decided that my mission in life is to correct this miscommunication because… Continue Reading →
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