We Laugh Because We Believe

Author Patrick Archbold

Court Punts On Notre Dame Suit

SCOTUS punted on the Notre Dame Obamacare contraception case. They sent it back to the lower court to re-litigate in light of Hobby Lobby. Makes sense I suppose. WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court is ordering a federal appeals court to… Continue Reading →

The Death Penalty Blunder

Over at the Register, I argue that in calling for the Supreme Court to abolish the death penalty, the National Catholic Register, OSV, and the heterodox publications with whom they linked arms, invite dangers much greater than that they seek… Continue Reading →

Cardinal Baldisseri Has To Go

Over at the Register I demonstrate how Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri’s shameful (and possibly illegal) behavior means the Pope has no choice but to fire him. The Pope promised an open, honest, and free exchange of ideas. Cardinal Baldisseri has betrayed… Continue Reading →

Pontifical Council For Cluelessness

From the same dopey people in the Vatican who brought that painful #LifeOfWomen Video, the English language version of which was eventually pulled because it was so roundly mocked, we now have this stupidity posted on the Vatican website. This… Continue Reading →

Bill Nye The “Idiot Guy”

It takes someone who fancies himself very smart to get this kind of dumb. Our friends at Newbuster.org bring us the ludicrous comments of Bill Nye “The Science Guy” from last week’s Bill Maher show. Bill Nye says that everybody… Continue Reading →


With so many Catholics declaring other Catholics in Schism, is there anybody left? Please read my latest on this topic at the Register. I consider it to be a request to my friends. *subhead*Enough already.*subhead*

The Heresy of Pastoral Detachment

via Rorate In a book length interview with Cardinal Sarah we have the following quote which makes me want to cheer, which, I suppose, indicates the current state of things. “The idea that would consist in placing the Magisterium in… Continue Reading →


Here is a meme I worked up in response to that State Dept. twit who said her point about jobs curing terrorism was too nuanced for us morons. *subhead*Idiot.*subhead*

Winning Battles But Losing The Culture War

Over at LifeSiteNews.com (In my first article over there so please click on it and show some support) I discuss why I think we are fighting the wrong battles in the culture war. Imagine that you are playing baseball. Your… Continue Reading →

Read The Signs Of The Times

Over at the Register, I have an article in which I suggest that the signs of the times are clear. And it is time to start preparing. There is a bad moon on the rise. Please read “The Red and… Continue Reading →

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