We Laugh Because We Believe

Author Patrick Archbold

Pope Talks Deflate-Gate

In his most controversial plane interview to date, the Pope weighs in on the most controversial issue of the day!! *subhead*Oh yes!!*subhead*

Dear Church, Beware Unproven Theories

Some few months back I wrote a post in which I advised that the Church should be more cautious in giving its seeming imprimatur to various different scientific theories. The post was widely misunderstood (my fault) as saying that the… Continue Reading →

Deadbeat (Not) Dad

If you thought government in Detroit couldn’t get any worse, think again. The courts are threatening to throw a man in jail for failure to pay $30k for child support. Well, good you say? Well, I would too if not… Continue Reading →

Fr. Richard McBrien Has Died

We pray for the soul of Fr. Richard McBrien. Fr. McBrien passed away Sunday at the age of 78. Fr. McBrien was a repeated foil on this blog in its early years as he represented in the media and promoted… Continue Reading →

With Greater Majority, Cowardly GOP Bails On Abortion Bill

Even though they overwhelmingly passed it last session,a year they knew it would never get passed the Senate, and they have an even greater majority now, the House GOP is scrapping the 20 Week Fetal Pain Abortion Ban because they… Continue Reading →

Coming to an encyclical near you….

Given the Pope’s recent public musings, tell me this seems far-fetched for the upcoming encyclical on the environment? “Is there a proper family size for suitable stewardship of God’s creation? We must look more deeply at this question. Of course… Continue Reading →

The Best Thing I Ever Did

I remember it clearly. I remember the day my future wife and I had the conversation about children. She asked me, “How many children do you want to have?” Me, being me, answered. “Who cares? Who cares how many children… Continue Reading →

My “Things To Do When I Become Pope!” File

On my list of “Things To Do When I Become Pope!” please add “Do not accept a reporter’s stupid premise when answering question on a plane.” Actually, scratch that. Add instead “Don’t answer reporters questions on a plane.” Also, Write… Continue Reading →

Briefly On The Papal Interview

By now most of you have heard about the latest Papal airplane interview. Given recent history, one might expect the Pope to be more circumspect. One might expect that. As previously mentioned, I am inclined to give the Pope a… Continue Reading →

The Doorman

How a simple courtesy changed a young man’s life and improved the life of those around him. *subhead*Inspiring Video.*subhead*

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